Christ in the Psalms Artwork


We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” This year will take us from Psalm 140 to Psalm 150. Next summer we’ll be back to Psalm 1!

Every summer at Park Church, we spend several weeks in the Psalms. The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This annual series, now in its tenth year, is called “Christ in the Psalms.”

Up to this point we have gone week-by-week through Psalm 129, and you can find each of those sermons here.

Additionally, since 2015 (starting with Psalm 41), different artists within our community have done a piece of artwork for each Psalm. That’s what this page is about! To download an artwork guide for any of the previous three years, click on one of the options below. In 2017, we also began posting each new piece as a weekly blog post throughout the summer. Those appear below as well. As we enjoy Christ in the Psalms this summer, you’ll see new artwork appear here in addition to on our regular blog.

Lastly, almost all of the artwork below is available for purchase. To inquire about the availablity of a piece, look for contact information in the blog post associated with the piece, or contact us and we’ll help you get in touch with the artist.

Weekly “Christ in the Psalms” Artwork Write-ups

Psalm 150—Artwork

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 149—Artwork

Monday, August 5, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 148—Artwork

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

The Doxology is one of my favorite pieces of church liturgy, so reading Psalm 148 I immediately felt a familiar pull towards it...

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Psalm 147—Artwork

Monday, July 22, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Psalm 147 has some iconic verses that speak to the vastness of God’s glory. I started this piece inspired by the imagery of space and the cosmos...

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Psalm 145—Artwork

Monday, July 8, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I’ve always been drawn to the themes of topography in scripture. In fact, the theme of gardens, God as the great gardener in John 15, and Mary mistaking the resurrected Jesus for a gardener is why we chose to name our oldest daughter, Eden...

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Psalm 144—Artwork

Monday, July 1, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I chose Psalm 144, a humbling psalm that juxtaposes the unimaginable power of God and the weakness of man...

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Psalm 143—Artwork

Monday, June 24, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

This Psalm, although having a desperate setting—that of being in most urgent need, ‘crushed to the ground,’ has immense reserves of hope in the God that saves, the God that is faithful. And so it was my hope to try and capture that desperation mingled with hope. This ultimately led me to use the figures here as well as a muted color palette.

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Psalm 142—Artwork

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 141—Artwork

Monday, June 10, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

"Among the many physiological allusions in Psalm 141, the mouth is referenced more than any other. The mouth is painted as both an instrument of prayer and praise and a means for destruction..."

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Psalm 140—Artwork

Monday, June 3, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

"This piece is based on Psalm 140. In this psalm, David talks about evil men, men of violence, who make plans to trip up his feet. My thought process brought me to 1 Peter 5:8..."

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Psalm 129—Artwork

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

My main desire was to represent life out of suffering, thus the flowers growing out of the furrows. I chose colors and textures that...

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Psalm 128—Artwork

Friday, August 5, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I wanted an image that conveyed blessing, fruitfulness, and family (family tree). The image I shot is from a fruit tree in a vineyard...

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Psalm 127—Artwork

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

“Like arrows in the hands of a warrior… Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them!”

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Psalm 126—Artwork

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

The idea for this painting came to me one day while I was on a walk. I had the image in my mind of a bountiful field of wheat held within a teardrop...

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Psalm 125—Artwork

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

The mountains are there not only to give a literal visual element to the verse, but also to represent protection: cities that are surrounded by mountains have a natural fortress that makes them harder to approach...

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Psalm 124—Artwork

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

built layer upon layer of thick oil paint on top of a light wash of acrylic on the base, showing the complex nature of our redeemed life with Jesus...

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Psalm 123—Artwork

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 122—Artwork

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 121—Artwork

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

As a Colorado girl who loves the mountains, they have always been symbol of the gift of God's consistency and permanence.

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Psalm 120—Artwork

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Despite our distorted dwelling place, we can reach for the Lord, confident in His daily and eternal deliverance.

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Psalm 119, Part 3—Artwork

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I’m drawn to the tension between the psalmist’s firm belief in God’s goodness towards him and his broken-life experience that causes him to approach God in vulnerability, crying out “Do not utterly forsake me!”

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Psalm 119, Part 2—Artwork

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Imagine a shepherd beginning to write this song as he watches his sheep, writing the Hebrew alphabet and capturing his love for God's words, panting for the Word and earnestly desiring to walk in it.

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Psalm 119, Part 1—Artwork

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

This image was taken on a hot summer afternoon during a tornado warning. It reminds me that at all times, and especially in dark stormy times, His Word is our light and hope.

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Psalm 118—Artwork

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

This is a mixed media piece made up of acrylic paint, metal chain, clay, and gold leafing. The process of creating this piece was an incredible blessing to my life...

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Psalm 117—Artwork

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Tasked with the shortest Psalm, I decided to keep it very simple. The sphere represents the earth and all of its nations...

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Psalm 116—Artwork

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

This Psalm helps to pull me out of the darkness, transitions me through a lost forest of thought, and into the land of the living...

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Psalm 115—Artwork

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

While reading Psalm 115, I felt two distinctive things: the conviction of idolatry and its contrast with the sovereignty, steadfastness, and trustworthiness of the Lord.

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Psalm 114—Artwork

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

The emphasis of the painting is the dramatic water that could be interpreted either as the Red Sea or as the River Jordan, each that "ran off" at God's command. In the background is a land element that has a glow to imply that it is a holy place...

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Psalm 113—Artwork

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

After spending a lot of time reflecting on Psalm 113, what stood out to me the most is that it is a psalm about hope; blessing the name of the Lord and also being blessed by Him.

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Psalm 112—Artwork

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

My goal with this piece was to visually represent how perfect righteousness is ultimately unobtainable through our efforts alone. How does righteousness look through the lens of our sinful nature?

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Psalm 111—Artwork

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

When reading Psalm 111, I kept thinking about the glory, awesomeness, and consistency of God. This passage is full of so many of His characteristics...

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Psalm 110—Artwork

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I hope to spend my life in a posture of seeking to understand God’s character. One question we like to ask in our family is “What must God be like…?”

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Psalm 109—Artwork

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

This piece examines King David in a place of darkness, doubt, loneliness and despair. I painted the piece in acrylic to emphasize the plastic nature of the Little Tike toy, which represents King David.

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Psalm 108—Artwork

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

My prayer is that in the midst of sorrow, we can rejoice in who God is, and that one may look upon this burst of color and light and be moved to praise our incomprehensible God.

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Psalm 107—Artwork

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

“He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs, there He brought the hungry to live and they founded a city where they could settle.”—an oasis in the middle of dry sand!

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Psalm 106—Artwork

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Every time we trip and fall, God the Father is there to pick us up and bandage our wounds so that we can continue on, learning from our mistakes and using them to grow more into the people He intended us to be.

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Psalm 105—Artwork

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

My piece, “The Covenant,” is in watercolors and is inspired by Psalm 105. It also captures the symbols of God’s Old Testament covenant: God moving through the halves of a burnt offering.

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Psalm 104—Artwork

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

While reading Psalm 104, It seems impossible not to be caught up in euphoria along with the Psalmist as he praises the Lord’s “splendor and majesty”...

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Psalm 103—Artwork

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

...This painting first focuses on the brokenness of the world—the reality of man’s sinful desire to grasp and hold onto the things we think are important. These things are but dust and hold no weight in the Kingdom of Heaven (v.15-16)...

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Psalm 102—Artwork

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

...As I was studying this Psalm, I was struck by the sense of darkness and sorrow surrounding the author. The words smoke, ashes, shadow, waste places, wilderness, and withered are used to describe his state...

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Psalm 101—Artwork

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

...This psalm centers on living a blameless, holy life while turning from evil and slander. The background depicts the evil of the world through images of tumultuous oceans and a blazing fire...

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Psalm 100—Artwork

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 99—Artwork

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 98—Artwork

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 97—Artwork

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 96—Artwork

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 95—Artwork

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 94—Artwork

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 93—Artwork

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 92—Artwork

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 91—Artwork

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 90—Artwork

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 89—Artwork

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 88—Artwork

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 87—Artwork

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 86—Artwork

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 85—Artwork

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 84—Artwork

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 83—Artwork

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 82—Artwork

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 81—Artwork

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 80—Artwork

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 79—Artwork

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 78—Artwork

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 77—Artwork

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 76—Artwork

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 75—Artwork

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 74—Artwork

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 73—Artwork

Friday, August 25, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 72—Artwork

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 71—Artwork

Monday, August 21, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 70—Artwork

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 69—Artwork

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 68—Artwork

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 67—Artwork

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Psalm 66—Artwork

Friday, August 11, 2017

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Christ In The Psalms 2015 Artwork

Friday, May 1, 2015

ArtworkChrist in the Psalms Artwork

Christ in the Psalms Artwork CHRIST IN THE PSALMS 2024 We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” […]

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Older “Christ in the Psalms” Artwork Guides

Some years, we have compiled the photos and write-ups for each piece into a downloadable PDF: