Media & Blogs

Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, or click see all blog posts below to browse the archive.


Jason Procopio Update: July 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Media & Blogs Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, […]

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Psalm 147—Artwork

Monday, July 22, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Psalm 147 has some iconic verses that speak to the vastness of God’s glory. I started this piece inspired by the imagery of space and the cosmos...

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Psalm 145—Artwork

Monday, July 8, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I’ve always been drawn to the themes of topography in scripture. In fact, the theme of gardens, God as the great gardener in John 15, and Mary mistaking the resurrected Jesus for a gardener is why we chose to name our oldest daughter, Eden...

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Psalm 144—Artwork

Monday, July 1, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

I chose Psalm 144, a humbling psalm that juxtaposes the unimaginable power of God and the weakness of man...

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A Word From Author Jonathan Holmes on This Year’s Men’s Retreat

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Media & Blogs Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, […]

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Psalm 143—Artwork

Monday, June 24, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

This Psalm, although having a desperate setting—that of being in most urgent need, ‘crushed to the ground,’ has immense reserves of hope in the God that saves, the God that is faithful. And so it was my hope to try and capture that desperation mingled with hope. This ultimately led me to use the figures here as well as a muted color palette.

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Psalm 142—Artwork

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

Media & Blogs Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, […]

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New Elders: Dan Boryla & Chance Coe

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Elders at Park Church bear covenantal responsibility for the local church and are charged by God to serve the church by providing shepherding care, theological leadership, and organizational oversight as we pursue our mission together...

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Psalm 141—Artwork

Monday, June 10, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

"Among the many physiological allusions in Psalm 141, the mouth is referenced more than any other. The mouth is painted as both an instrument of prayer and praise and a means for destruction..."

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Psalm 140—Artwork

Monday, June 3, 2024

Christ in the Psalms Artwork

"This piece is based on Psalm 140. In this psalm, David talks about evil men, men of violence, who make plans to trip up his feet. My thought process brought me to 1 Peter 5:8..."

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Park Kids Summer Reading Challenge Kick-off

Monday, June 3, 2024

It's the first day of our Summer Bible Reading challenge! Watch the video from Mrs. Melanie above to get started.

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Park Kids Summer Bible Reading Challenge

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Mrs. Melanie invites us to spend time with our Bibles this summer...

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Jennifer Hudson's Sabbatical

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

This Sunday, May 5, we were happy to announce that Jennifer Hudson, Director of Park College and our Residency Program, is entering a three-month Sabbatical...

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Holy Saturday Guide

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Media & Blogs Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, […]

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Maundy Thursday Guide

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Media & Blogs Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, […]

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Holy Week Day-by-Day

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Joel Limpic

Media & Blogs Here we cover many topics—church seasons, series content, event photos, and more. See our recent posts below, […]

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Lent & Holy Week Artwork 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024


Over the years, we’ve looked to different visual artists inside and outside of our church family to create our artwork. However, this year for Lent and Holy week, we’re looking several decades back in time to the work of an Estonian graphic artist named Avo Keerend...

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Brooke Frazier on Parenting Safe Children

Thursday, January 18, 2024

A word from a Park Church parent and leader on why to consider joining us for Parenting Safe Children, a one-day workshop to train parents and those who work with kids in how to prevent the sexual abuse of children in our homes and church.

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