Psalm 105—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

Person: Daniela Lozano

Hi, my name is Daniela Lozano. I grew up as a missionary kid in Costa Rica and Guatemala. I went to the Air Force Academy and served in aviation in the Air Force for 7 years, during which I deployed twice. I currently serve people as an Optometrist and take care of their eye care needs. I love art, hiking, cycling, and snowboarding. And I love bringing my fur-baby, Snoopy, to the dog park.

Piece: Watercolor

My piece, “The Covenant,” is in watercolors and is inspired by Psalm 105. It also captures the symbols of God’s Old Testament covenant: God moving through the halves of a burnt offering.

Art is very therapeutic for me. In this case, I was upset about impending Memorial Day at the time of the painting. It’s always a difficult holiday for me because it honors service men and women that were lost in combat. Having been in war, the pain of their loss is real to me. But, God’s covenant is also very real, and it reminds me that HE will never leave or forsake His children. We are always in a better place if we’re in His will.
