Psalm 123—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

Person: Whitney Grimm

I’m a Colorado native who loves the outdoors and the hustle and bustle of the city. I moved back to Denver 4 years ago where I adventured, explored, traveled the world, figured out life, met different people along the way, got my heart broken, and learned many new skills. About a year after moving back to Denver I met my now husband, Jonathan, who has been my biggest cheerleader in everything I’ve done and will do. My background is in wardrobe styling, visual merchandising, modeling, and graphic design. My personal style in art and fashion is minimal, simple, clean, monochromatic, black and white, a bold pattern or a pop of color.

I recently received my BFA in graphic design and I love helping others create their brand to help separate them from other similar brands. I’ve also learned that I love painting. It’s been a hobby for a while now. Though I never thought I could be an artist, along the way I’ve heard God saying something different from the noise around me. Painting has been a way that I’ve felt free and had freedom to express feeling and emotion. I can be a bit serious at times but making art has a way of pulling me out of my head to chillax. With more opportunities to create art pieces happening, I feel God asking me to step into something outside my comfort zone. I’ve needed the support and encouragement from Jonathan and friends, to remind me daily to believe in myself and realize that God made me to be creative and tell stories through different mediums.

Piece: Mixed Media

My goal with this piece was to visually capture what I felt God wanting others to see, feel, or experience about Psalm 123. Staying true to my style and esthetic, but keeping in mind it’s not about what I want people to see, but what God wants. The following verse is the foundation of this piece:

“Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master,
as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress;
so our eyes look to Yahweh, our God,
until He has mercy on us.” (v.2)

This piece is meant to be both metaphorical and literal. The simple outlined face looking up to heaven with the outstretched arms coming out of the eyes like lashes is us looking to God, to Jesus, and to the Holy Spirit for everything. The hands symbolize us reaching out with open hands, wanting to know that God hears our cries and prayers, sees us in our circumstances, and will help in our struggles and joys. The wheat is meant to symbolize God as our daily bread and constant provider, and the falling bits of wheat represent the prayers and such that God hears us and provision for us.


After I read and processed through the Psalm I chose, I got a solid vision of what I wanted to do or make. Aside from that bit, this project was a solid challenge from start to finish. First, not knowing what Psalm to pick, then getting stuck on not knowing if I should keep the board a natural wood color or paint it white. The phrase, “is it enough?” kept popping into my head along the way. With my style being minimal and simple I wasn’t sure if the black outlined face was enough or if it would come across as dumb or too simple. And how did I represent or show God in this piece? But Jonathan reminded me of some truths. So I’m going with what I feel my spirit saying.

Psalm 122—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

Person: Bruce Butler

I moved from Buffalo, New York a decade ago to be closer to family and began my pursuit of graphic design right after. Having worked for a few different organizations over the years, I recently decided to start my freelance work professionally with a friend. In January 2022, we launched Popped Art ( and Wise Bison ( I’m also a barista at Sweet Bloom Coffee Roasters and play guitar for Our Violet Room and Last Ditch, as well as at Park Church. My lovely wife, Jamie Rosenberry, and I are expecting our first child in June! You can see more of my work on Instagram at @wearepoppedart or @wearewisebison.

Piece: Digital Artwork

This piece was made digitally in Adobe Illustrator, then brought into Photoshop for some finishing touches, before being printed on vinyl that was stretched over the canvas.


Psalm 122 is a praise of finally reaching the gates of the city of Jerusalem. The singers are ecstatic to be there, and rejoice for the throne of David that will not fall. This is ultimately in reference to the greater son of David, born of Mary, who will reign over all the earth.

In this piece, the enormous throne represents God’s reign over all the cities of the earth. There are modern steeples and ancient domes throughout, signifying his reign over every generation. I went with brighter vibrant colors to signify the joy and rejoicing of the psalm itself, using the same gradient the entire piece.

Gage Family Missionary Care Trip 2022

Written by Lauren Gage

Trip Purpose

Since 2017, Andy and I have loved and cared for the missionaries at Beyond through Biblical counseling (my vocation), physical therapy (Andy’s vocation), and friendship.

Although I am able to meet with our missionaries online throughout the year, the rest of our ministry happens at annual Beyond conferences in Southeast Asia. I have attended three of these, and Andy has been to one. He was busier than I was while doing Physical Therapy! This year our kids will be able to join us for the first time, along with the help of Zach and Madelynne Starbeck (Park College Staff and Park Students Intern).

What is “Beyond?” What is this conference?

Beyond is a missions sending organization that works solely to bring the Gospel to unreached people groups (accounting for two billion of the people in the world who have never heard about Jesus). In addition to regional conferences that happen annually, Beyond has a global, all-staff conference every 3 years in Southeast Asia. Neither have happened since 2019 due to the last several years of crisis and trials. This July will be the first time their missionaries have been able to gather together for encouragement and equipping since then. We hope and pray that our work and friendship with them will restore, heal, and comfort them.

Specific Missionary Needs

I have been volunteering as a counselor for the Southeast Asian group of Beyond missionaries for the past five years. A lot has happened since 2019, some good. However, a lot of pain and confusion has been experienced during these past few years as well.

This year we decided we were going to make the trip after our friend Andy, one of the leaders of this group, suddenly passed away (he’s on the far left in the picture above with the “best pop ever” shirt.) It was a tragic loss, and we decided that we should go there to care for them.

I’m also excited that our kids are old enough now to join us so that they will be there to become better friends with the missionary kids. They know some of the missionary kids from when they’ve visited the States. I pray it will be a great encouragement to these missionary kids to to have other kids come to them!

Our Need

We are asking you to prayerfully consider supporting us with a financial gift to help cover the travel and hotel expenses to attend the conference and get face-to-face with this group in July. You can contribute with a one time or with a monthly gift that will help us continue to serve missionaries through Biblical counseling past the three sessions possible at the conference.

Please, if you have any questions, let me know. To give financially, please use the button below, selecting “Support for Lauren Gage and Missions Care Trip under “Gift Category.”



Psalm 121—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

Person: Alison Harshberger

Hey, I’m Alison. I do product marketing and graphic design and live in Denver, CO with two amazing roommates and a dog. I studied marketing and graphic design in college and fell in love with digital art and design.

Piece: Digital Artwork

Digital illustration made on Procreate (shout out to the iPad and the Apple Pencil).


There were a couple things about God’s character that were revealed in Psalm 121. First, God’s consistency (though things in this life are so temporary), and second, His protection and permanence. As a Colorado girl who loves the mountains, they have always been symbol of the gift of God’s consistency and permanence. Nature is also a common place for many of us to meet God and experience His love, so I tied that in with a stained-glass style throughout.

Psalm 120—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

Person: Isaac Beaverson

Isaac is an artist and designer from Indiana. After graduating with a BA in Graphic Design from Taylor University, he and his wife, Sarah, moved to Denver for a new opportunity with an e-commerce startup. Outside of digital design, he enjoys working with his hands through sculpture and woodworking.

Piece: Digital Artwork

I wanted this piece to feel peaceful. Despite our distorted dwelling place, we can reach for the Lord, confident in His daily and eternal deliverance. Our world and hearts are broken and often result in pain, but by the Holy Spirit we have access to Christ as our Savior.


While reading over this psalm, I began considering how these words could apply in the context of our culture. We are not often in literal exile or fighting physical wars, but we are in a broken world fighting daily spiritual battles. Through this process, I reflected on the need for deliverance from physical enemies, but also from the world and from myself.

Easter Sunday 2022

In response to the wonder of Jesus’ resurrection and victory over death and the grave, Easter stands alone as the most joyful, boisterous day we observe each year.

Good Friday 2022

Happened Friday, April 15

We allowed the Scriptures to take us to the scene of our Lord’s betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial, setting us up for a deep celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Men’s Seminar 2022: The Love of the Father

The past couple years have sucker punched many of us. A persistent anxiety seems to lurk in the corners. Old strategies of survival often fall short. Impulses from within and deceptive delights from without attempt to steal our ability to commune with God. Lingering temptations drag us down. New patterns often leave us lacking the joy we ache to experience.

We must return again to the love of the Father. He runs after us. But to truly see Him, we have to relax our defenses and tune our hearts again to hear His voice singing over us.

Let’s fight together to abide in the pursuing love of God our Father. At this year’s men’s seminar, we’ll gather the men of Park Church over wings and drinks to hear from pastor and author J. Kevin Butcher (Choose and Choose Again, Free). We’ll seek to learn to live as sons, purchased by the blood of the perfect Son. Life and freedom await.

Parking on Sundays

Before each service on Sunday, more than a hundred of our cars must find a spot in our neighborhood. While we take immense joy in this weekly re-gathering of friends and family, we don’t want it to be at the expense of Park Church’s physical neighbors in any way, lest we become a poor representation of the family of God.

For this reason, please consider the following when you park a car at the Park Church building on Sundays:

  1. Street parking is ideally not for Park Church. Our area is not designed to accommodate this volume of street parking. Although we are legally allowed to park on the street, doing so consumes all parking for local residents and their guests for most of the morning. Neighbors have expressed frustration at this many times over the years.
  2. The large parking lot at the Masonic building is reserved for Park Church. Our generous neighbors at this building have offered their high-capacity lot to us on Sundays. We’re so grateful to have this resource. You can cross Federal at several places, but the safest option is the signalized crosswalk at 35th. Have young kids? Keep reading.
  3. The small lot directly across 37th from the Park Church building is reserved for visitors, families with young children, and those with accessibility needs.


Thank you for helping us consider our neighbors!