Jesus & Emotional Health: Matthew 6:25–34

Last week we considered Jesus’ teaching on anxiety. In the context, Jesus is teaching that faith in God’s Eternal Kingdom and His Fatherly care sets us free from the anxiety that comes from living for material things. The truth is easy to understand, but it can be challenging and complicated to apply.

Matthew 6:19–24

Jesus is calling people into a Kingdom where God is known as the true and eternal source of security and love. God Himself is the treasure our hearts long for, and living for His Kingdom brings indestructible joy.

Love Your Neighbor Seminar: Part 2

Reflections, appeals, and testimonies from part two of the Love Your Neighbor Seminar on Monday, October 12, 2020. See video and other resources from the seminar at

Love Your Neighbor Seminar: Part 1

Positional clarification and Gospel centering on the issue of Racial Justice from part one of the Love Your Neighbor Seminar on Monday, October 12, 2020. See video and other resources from the seminar at

Matthew 6:5–15

This life-transforming invitation to commune and converse with your heavenly Father lies at the heart of what Jesus came to provide for His followers. He came to reconcile us to God.

Matthew 6:1–4

This teaching marks the beginning of a new section in the Sermon on the Mount. The focus of this section is the call to pay attention to your inner motives for good works…

Following Jesus in this Political Moment

What does it mean to love our neighbor through engagement in the political sphere? What does it look like to love people we disagree with?

Matthew 5:43–48

He came while we were sinners, indeed, while we were enemies. Christ died for us as a transformative demonstration of the love of our Father in Heaven. At its core, the Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of love.