Men’s Seminar 2022: The Love of the Father

The past couple years have sucker punched many of us. A persistent anxiety seems to lurk in the corners. Old strategies of survival often fall short. Impulses from within and deceptive delights from without attempt to steal our ability to commune with God. Lingering temptations drag us down. New patterns often leave us lacking the joy we ache to experience.

We must return again to the love of the Father. He runs after us. But to truly see Him, we have to relax our defenses and tune our hearts again to hear His voice singing over us.

Let’s fight together to abide in the pursuing love of God our Father. At this year’s men’s seminar, we’ll gather the men of Park Church over wings and drinks to hear from pastor and author J. Kevin Butcher (Choose and Choose Again, Free). We’ll seek to learn to live as sons, purchased by the blood of the perfect Son. Life and freedom await.

Matthew 15:21–39: Faith & Miracles

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Matthew 15:1–20: Traditions & Commands

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Matthew 14:22–36: The Lord of the Storm

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.

Matthew 14:13–21: The Great Provider

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Matthew 14:1–12: John the Baptist is Killed

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Matthew 13:53–58: Rejection at Home

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Pastoral Words for the New Year—Ephesians 3:7–13

Over the first four weeks of this year, we will share four “Pastoral Words” that we pray will guide our church family into the New Year.


Pastoral Words for the New Year—James 3

Over the first four weeks of this year, we will share four “Pastoral Words” that we pray will guide our church family into the New Year.


Pastoral Words for the New Year—Matthew 3:13–17

Over the first four weeks of this year, we will share four “Pastoral Words” that we pray will guide our church family into the New Year.