Psalm 146

Every summer at Park Church, we spend several weeks in the Psalms. The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” This year will take us from Psalm 140 to Psalm 150.

Psalm 142

Every summer at Park Church, we spend several weeks in the Psalms. The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. We’re in our thirteenth summer of “Christ in the Psalms.” This year will take us from Psalm 140 to Psalm 150.

1 Corinthians 7:1–24: Marriage & Divorce

The culture of our city has the power to shape us in more ways than we might know. When Christians conform to the desires, values, and practices of their city, it creates real problems in the church. In 1 Corinthians, Paul is writing to a messy church experiencing all sorts of city-shaped problems. To confront these problems, Paul reminds the church of who they are in Christ, and he calls them to live with a Christ-shaped vision for life.

Reconciliation in the Family of God (Matthew 7:3–5)

As humans, our foundational formation takes place within some sort of family system. We are discipled, whether with intentionality or not, into a way of life. Then at some point along the way we meet Jesus. When we put our faith in Him, we are reconciled to God and brought into His family. But how do we relate to His other children, and why do relationships remain so difficult? In this series, we’ll look to Jesus to learn how we can grow in love for one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God.

Family Systems and the Family of God (Ephesians 2:19–22)

As humans, our foundational formation takes place within some sort of family system. We are discipled, whether with intentionality or not, into a way of life. Then at some point along the way we meet Jesus. When we put our faith in Him, we are reconciled to God and brought into His family. But how do we relate to His other children, and why do relationships remain so difficult? In this series, we’ll look to Jesus to learn how we can grow in love for one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God.

Psalm 135

Every summer at Park Church, we spend several weeks in the Psalms. The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This summer, we’ll continue with Psalms 130–139.

Palm Sunday: Zechariah 9:9

Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and remembers Jesus’ “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem. In His decision to enter the city on a donkey— a “beast of burden”—we that Jesus comes as a King of Peace. He has not come to do war against mankind.

Restorative Justice

We routinely take a few Sundays in a row to focus on our mission as a church: we exist to make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and the joy of all people. Though many of Park Church’s people may know those words, discussing their “why” in detail helps us know where we’re going together.

This year, we want to focus on five practical areas where the mission of God propels us to live in particular ways:

  1. The Global Mission of God (January 8)
  2. Hospitality and Neighboring (January 15)
  3. Restorative Justice (January 22)
  4. Faith and Work (January 29)
  5. Sharing the Good News (February 5)

While no one is called to simultaneously grow and serve equally in every area of the Christian life, there are likely one or two areas that God may invite you into throughout the series. We invite you to pray through and consider the areas of focus above and what that might mean for you.

Matthew 19:1–12: What God Has Joined Together, Let No Man Separate

In Part VI of our ongoing Matthew Series covers Matthew 19:1–22:36. We’ll study several difficult teachings, parables, and miracles of Jesus, bringing us to His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Psalm 126

The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This annual series, now in its eleventh year, is called “Christ in the Psalms.”