Psalm 138

Every summer at Park Church, we spend several weeks in the Psalms. The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This summer, we’ll continue with Psalms 130–139.

Psalm 132

Every summer at Park Church, we spend several weeks in the Psalms. The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This summer, we’ll continue with Psalms 130–139.

Matthew 26:1–13: Why This Waste?

In this seventh and final section of Matthew, chapters 23–25 explore the idea that salvation comes through judgment. After chapter 25, we step into the narrative of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The King of the upside-down kingdom takes His paradoxical throne. Lastly, chapter 28 wraps up with the Great Commission.

Matthew 20:29–34: Sight to the Blind

In Part VI of our ongoing Matthew Series covers Matthew 19:1–22:36. We’ll study several difficult teachings, parables, and miracles of Jesus, bringing us to His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Psalm 128

The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This annual series, now in its eleventh year, is called “Christ in the Psalms.”

Psalm 121

The Psalms give us a vocabulary and a “hymnal” for relating to God through the full range of human experience and emotion, ultimately pointing us to Jesus. This annual series, now in its eleventh year, is called “Christ in the Psalms.”

Matthew 18:21–35: Forgiveness & the Forgiven

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.

Matthew 14:22–36: The Lord of the Storm

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.