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This is the third and final week of The Spirit and the Church, a follow-up series to The Book of Acts: You Will Be My Witnesses. We’re exploring the role of the Holy Spirit in the mission of the Church—here’s how you can prepare:
1. Read through our text, 1 Corinthians 14:1–33.
All of the gifts of the Spirit found in the New Testament are to be earnestly desired by every believer and in turn exercised lovingly, intelligibly, and in an orderly fashion. When we faithfully follow the guidelines Paul gives us pertaining to the gifts, the gathered church is naturally built up and those outside the church say, “Surely God is among them!”
2. Read, pray and sing through the service:
CALL TO WORSHIP: From Psalm 100
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Obediah Chisholm, William Marion Runyan)
Fall Afresh (Jeremy Riddle)
CONFESSION OF SIN: From The Worship Sourcebook
Triune God,
we praise You as the God of love and life.
Though Jesus prayed that we would be one,
we confess that we fail to live in unity
with each other and with You.
We break our communion through hostile words and unkind actions.
We long for Your Spirit to heal us and to correct us.
We long for You to help us experience communion
with You and with each other
as we gather around Your Word and table.
Even now, dependent on Your grace,
we commit ourselves to live more fully in the unity You desire.
Through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Give Us Clean Hands (Charlie Hall)
How Marvelous (I Stand Amazed) (Charles H. Gabriel)
ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Hebrews 4:11–13
RESPONSE: Song & Prayer
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Martin Luther)
Doxology (Louis Bourgeois, Thomas Ken)
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We’re in week two of The Spirit and the Church, our three-week follow-up to The Book of Acts: You Will Be My Witnesses where we’re discussing the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church’s mission. Here’s how you can prepare for this week:
1. Read through our text, 1 Corinthians 12–13.
The text teaches us that Jesus gives His church diverse gifts of the Spirit so that we can embody the love of God for the good of all people.
2. Read, pray and sing through the service:
CALL TO WORSHIP: From James 1:16–18
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Matt Boswell, Martin Luther)
O Praise The Name (Anástasis) (Benjamin Hastings, Marty Sampson, Dean Ussher)
CONFESSION OF SIN: From The Worship Sourcebook
Almighty God,
who sent the promised power of the Holy Spirit
to fill disciples with willing faith:
We confess that we resist the force of Your Spirit among us,
that we are slow to serve You
and reluctant to spread the good news of Your love.
God, have mercy on us.
Forgive our divisions
and by Your Spirit draw us together.
Inflame us with a desire to do Your will
and be Your faithful people
for the sake of Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
No Longer Slaves (Joel Case, Jonathan David Hesler, Brian Johnson)
Revive Us Again (Charlie Hall, John J. Husband, William P. Mackay, Dustin Ragland)
RESPONSE: Song & Prayer
Fall Afresh (Jeremy Riddle)
Set A Fire (Will Reagan)
After completing The Book of Acts: You Will Be My Witnesses last week at Park, we’ll take the next three weeks to build and expand on Acts with an exploration of The Spirit and the Church before getting into Advent. Here’s how you can prepare this week:
1. Spend some time reviewing the work of the Spirit in the book of Acts.
The Holy Spirit is a powerful and central actor throughout the book of Acts. We see Him do many clear and otherwise-inexplicable works, from navigating Paul on his journey to raising dead people. Who is He, the Holy Ghost? What is His role in the Church of Jesus Christ as demonstrated in the book of Acts?
2. Read, pray and sing through the service:
CALL TO WORSHIP: From Joel 2:28–29; 32
God The Spirit (Matt Boswell, Samuel John Stone)
Doxology (Amen) (Louis Bourgeois, Thomas Ken, Phil Wickham)
CONFESSION OF SIN: From The Worship Sourcebook
Gracious God,
who pours out freely the gift of Your Holy Spirit:
we confess before You and to each other
that we have failed to recognize this most precious gift.
We have been satisfied with ordinary things,
suspicious of unfamiliar things,
and blind to spiritual things.
Cleanse us, O God, with Your celestial fire.
Burn away our presumptuous self-sufficiency,
and open us in faith to receive the renewing touch of Your hand.
Lord I Need You (Carson, Maher, Nockels, Reeves, Stanfill)
Jesus We Love You (Kalley Heiligenthal, Hannah McClure, Paul McClure)
ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Romans 8:1–2; 11
RESPONSE: Song & Prayer
Breath Of God (Caroline Cobb)
Revive Us Again (Charlie Hall, John J. Husband, William P. Mackay, Dustin Ragland)
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Our guest is Barnabas Piper. He’s the author of The Pastor’s Kid: Finding Your Own Faith and IdentityListen
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2:30 – Who Barnabas Piper is, and what he does 9:15 – Assumptions that people make about pastor’s kids 14:15 – How pastor’s kids would be treated in an ideal world 16:25 – What led him to write a book titled “Help My Unbelief” 20:40 – What Jacob wrestling with God teaches us about life 24:55 – Why Christian curiosity is vital 30:00 – Why humility and curiosity are inextricably linked 32:00 – Favorite TV show as of late 33:00 – Favorite book as as of late 38:00 – Best hot chicken in Nashville (and where it came from) 39:40 – Where he would put a billboard, and what it would sayLinks
This Sunday at Park Church, we’ll be in our 36th and final week of The Book of Acts: You Will Be My Witnesses. Here’s how you can prepare for worship this week:
1. Read through our text, Acts 28:11–31.
This Gospel is the reality that King Jesus lived a life that Paul never could have lived and died a death that Paul deserved to die. He rose again to conquer the power of sin and death, giving us new life in Him. And now, He is building a Kingdom made of all languages, tribes, and nations. Jesus is a good King, and God’s Kingdom is for all people.
2. Read, pray and sing through the service:
CALL TO WORSHIP: Isaiah 6:1–3
Praise To The Lord The Almighty (Joachim Neander, arr. Citizens)
Great Is The Lord (Joseph Pat Barrett, Daniel Bashta, Ben Smith)
CONFESSION OF SIN: From Yet I Sin in The Valley of Vision
Thou art good beyond all thought,
But I am vile, wretched, miserable, blind;
My lips are ready to confess,
but my heart is slow to feel,
and my ways reluctant to amend.
I bring my soul to thee;
break it, wound it, bend it, mould it.
Unmask to me sin’s deformity,
that I may hate it, abhor it, flee from it.
My faculties have been a weapon of revolt against thee;
as a rebel I have misused my strength,
and served the foul adversary of thy kingdom.
All these sins I mourn, lament, and for them cry pardon.
Work in me more profound and abiding repentance;
Give me the fullness of a godly grief that trembles and fears,
yet ever trusts and loves,
which is ever powerful, and ever confident;
Grant that through the tears of repentance
I may see more clearly the brightness
and glories of the saving cross.
ASSURANCE OF PARDON: From Isaiah 6:6–7, Acts 13:38, Ephesians 1:7:
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.”
Through Jesus Christ forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
His Mercy Is More (Matt Boswell, Matt Papa)
Oh Praise The Name (Anástasis) (Benjamin Hastings, Marty Sampson, Dean Ussher)
RESPONSE: Song & Prayer
Grace Alone (Dustin Kensrue)
Build My Life (Barrett, Kable, Martin, Redman, Younker)