Matthew 25:31–45: Who is My Neighbor? (IV)

This is our fifth installation of our “Be with Jesus and Follow His Way of Life” multi-year preaching series.

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Galatians 2:11–14: Who is My Neighbor? (III)

This is our fifth installation of our “Be with Jesus and Follow His Way of Life” multi-year preaching series.

See Series Page

A Life of Confession (Luke 18:9–14)

This is our fifth installation of our “Be with Jesus and Follow His Way of Life” multi-year preaching series. This particular installation is aimed at helping disciples of Jesus learn more about what it means to “be with Jesus” by helping us grow in our practice of confession and repentance in order to cultivate deeper communion with God.

The Practice of Confession (1 John 1:5–10)

This is our fifth installation of our “Be with Jesus and Follow His Way of Life” multi-year preaching series. This particular installation is aimed at helping disciples of Jesus learn more about what it means to “be with Jesus” by helping us grow in our practice of confession and repentance in order to cultivate deeper communion with God.

The Challenge of Confession (Psalm 32:1–5)

This is our fifth installation of our “Be with Jesus and Follow His Way of Life” multi-year preaching series. This particular installation is aimed at helping disciples of Jesus learn more about what it means to “be with Jesus” by helping us grow in our practice of confession and repentance in order to cultivate deeper communion with God.

The Need for Confession (Genesis 2:15–17; 3:1–15)

This is our fifth installation of our “Be with Jesus and Follow His Way of Life” multi-year preaching series. This particular installation is aimed at helping disciples of Jesus learn more about what it means to “be with Jesus” by helping us grow in our practice of confession and repentance in order to cultivate deeper communion with God.

Reconciliation in the Family of God (Matthew 7:3–5)

As humans, our foundational formation takes place within some sort of family system. We are discipled, whether with intentionality or not, into a way of life. Then at some point along the way we meet Jesus. When we put our faith in Him, we are reconciled to God and brought into His family. But how do we relate to His other children, and why do relationships remain so difficult? In this series, we’ll look to Jesus to learn how we can grow in love for one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God.

Differences in the Family of God (Matthew 10:1–4; John 17:20–23)

As humans, our foundational formation takes place within some sort of family system. We are discipled, whether with intentionality or not, into a way of life. Then at some point along the way we meet Jesus. When we put our faith in Him, we are reconciled to God and brought into His family. But how do we relate to His other children, and why do relationships remain so difficult? In this series, we’ll look to Jesus to learn how we can grow in love for one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God.