Seek First the Kingdom: Generosity (Matthew 25:14–30)

In seeking to grow significantly in how we disciple the next generation, extend the hospitality of Jesus, cultivate leaders church-wide, and multiply Gospel-centered ministry, we’re embarking on a two-year path of generosity that will ask something of each of us. As this series continues, we hope the life and leadership of our generous King (2 Corinthians 8:9) will be a compelling force, taking us past this short sermon series, through the sustained work of these next two years, and on to a new place in our lives where we trust Him more than ever, seeing His Kingdom everywhere we look (and often through the humble work of our hands).

Ecclesiastes 10:1–11:6

By confronting us with sobering truths, Ecclesiastes helps deconstruct common ways that humans pursue pleasure and purpose and teaches us to surrender to God in the midst of the complex realities of life. It lays a foundation for a more mature and more reliable path to lasting joy.

Hospitality & Neighboring

We routinely take a few Sundays in a row to focus on our mission as a church: we exist to make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and the joy of all people. Though many of Park Church’s people may know those words, discussing their “why” in detail helps us know where we’re going together.

This year, we want to focus on five practical areas where the mission of God propels us to live in particular ways:

  1. The Global Mission of God (January 8)
  2. Hospitality and Neighboring (January 15)
  3. Restorative Justice (January 22)
  4. Faith and Work (January 29)
  5. Sharing the Good News (February 5)

While no one is called to simultaneously grow and serve equally in every area of the Christian life, there are likely one or two areas that God may invite you into throughout the series. We invite you to pray through and consider the areas of focus above and what that might mean for you.

Matthew 22:1–14: Come to the Wedding Feast

In Part VI of our ongoing Matthew Series covers Matthew 19:1–22:36. We’ll study several difficult teachings, parables, and miracles of Jesus, bringing us to His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.