Campus Outreach Baptisms

We’re grateful to work closely and share several staff members with Campus Outreach Denver. During the critically formative college years, Gospel voices make an enormous difference. On Sunday, May 19, Campus Outreach baptized four people at Park Church.

Since 2016, we’ve seen 61 people make decisions for Christ through the work of Campus Outreach at the University of Denver, the University of Northern Colorado, and Colorado School of mines. These decisions for Christ are in addition to countless Gospel conversations, Bible studies, retreats, and other organized outreaches. To learn more and explore supporting Campus Outreach Denver, visit their website here.

The photos above were taken by Melanie Fenwick.

Commissioning Cristi Antholz

On Sunday, May 5, we commissioned Cristi Antholz as she leaves our church body for ministry and marriage in Scotland. She’ll be serving with her husband-to-be, Martin, at a ministry called 20Schemes, planting churches to engage with and serve Scotland’s poorest.

If you’d like to support them and the work they’re doing, click here and select “Martin Black” in the “Preference” dropdown menu.

Above are several photos from the commissioning, taken by Melanie Fenwick.

Commissioning the Rodlands

In March, we commissioned Jefff and Lindsey Rodland and about 75 folks from Park to go and start a new church in south Denver. We’re excited to see what God does through the Rodlands and Redeemer Community Church!

Here are a few photos from their commissioning, taken by Melanie Fenwick.

Park Member BBQ—10 Years

Last August, we celebrated 10 years as a church. We gathered at Morse Park to eat, drink, and celebrate God’s kindness to us! We’re grateful for all that He’s done in and through us, and expectant for his Holy Spirit to move even more in the city of Denver and beyond. Melanie Fenwick took the above photos of our time, and we wanted to share those with you now. Enjoy!

Good Friday to Easter—Holy Week 2017 Video & Photos

We gathered with Fellowship Denver on Friday, April 14 to remember the death of Christ. That following Sunday, we celebrated as all the powers of hell gave way to the power of Jesus as He defeated death forever, rising again. These events are critical for us. The death of Christ was atonement for our sin against Him. His suffering takes place in place of ours. His seperation from the Father on that cross prevents us from ever being separated from the Father. Likewise, His resurrection is our proof that, just as He rose, so shall we who are in Christ. Just as we sing in the Easter Hymn Christ The Lord is Risen Today, “Made like Him, like Him we rise; ours the cross, the grave, the skies.” Photos by Alex Priebe, video by Sam Ryan:

Bread & Wine 2016 Event Recap

Around 300 of us gathered at Moss Denver on November 30 to celebrate our fourth annual Bread & Wine event.

Why do we return to this celebration year after year?

Our tagline for Bread & Wine is as follows: An evening to taste and see the glory of God through his good creation. Let’s unpack this a bit.

Think back to the last meal Jesus shared with his group of disciples before his crucifixion. There in the upper room, God incarnate grabbed two of the most basic elements of mealtime – bread and wine. And with a couple sentences he breathed new meaning into them: “Take and eat; this is my body… Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

Jesus selected common elements to represent the drastically uncommon – God’s reconciliation of His people to Himself through the labor of His Son.

But wait. Could there be another layer of import woven into Jesus’ actions that night?

It’s fascinating that Jesus chose elements that required human activity and involvement in order to create. Truth be told, he could have used barley instead of bread, grapes instead of a Grenache. His selected symbols for his sacrifice on the cross could have been items that exist within untouched creation, apart from the work of people.

But they weren’t. He chose bread and wine – elements that necessarily require the work of human minds and hands – to represent his reconciling work, work that actually created the family of God.

This demonstrates the value God places upon the activity to which he has called us. Certainly, the sovereign Lord of the cosmos is Himself working salvation for his namesake through the narrative of human history. And yet, he knits our individual and localized stories into this grand narrative, ushering us to play our part in restoring all things through our daily actions.

In short, God’s redemptive and unifying grace is communicated and established through human interaction with one another and the created order. And it is in these places that we see the very glory of God. But only if we’re looking for it.

That’s why we host Bread & Wine each year. We need regular reminders to experience our dynamic world as one that is “charged with the grandeur of God.” These reminders need be more than verbal; oftentimes we need embodied practices to teach our souls what our intellect may already grasp.

This particular evening we highlighted the role and reality of hospitality in the renewed Christian family. You see, this “bread” was broken for us, and this “wine” was poured out for our sins, that we may be brought near to our Father. Like the prodigal son from Luke 15, we have run away from the Author of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in order to glut ourselves on cheap substitutes. But through the meal of Jesus’ body and blood, we are recreated into the family of God.

Now, compelled by this infinite hospitality shown to us, may we step into our daily lives portraying this same gracious welcome, making use of the material things at our disposal to sacrificially love those around us.

What a beautiful, merciful, and creative God we serve!

Photos of the event taken by Melanie Fenwick.

Bread & Wine 2015 Event Recap

Park Church gathered on December 10th, 2015, at Moss Denver for our third annual Bread & Wine celebration. Bread & Wine is an event that we host every year to give people the opportunity to taste and see the glory of God through his good creation. We take intentional time to remember, as a church, two things. First, God made the physical world and called it good. Second, though our rebellion against Him thrust the material order into brokenness, He sent His own Son to take on real flesh and blood, and to die to redeem the whole of His creation. How are then we to interact with creation? Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 4:4: “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving…” We want our relationship with creation to be one of gratitude before God. Human beings are meant to enjoy the good gifts of our Father, but we were never meant to stop there. Our enjoyment of material things must roll up into gratefulness toward God. We desire that creation lead us to thank our Creator, allowing created things to lead us to the Gift-giver Himself. On this particular evening, we enjoyed food, drink, and conversation with friends; we took time to explore God’s gift to us in coffee and how it makes its way from a coffee plant to being enjoyed in a cup of coffee; we responded in gratitude to the goodness of God as we sang “This Is My Father’s World” and “Doxology.” Around 200 people joined together to truly taste and see the glory of God through his good creation. We hope that Park Church is a people increasingly marked by gratitude to God for His good gifts to us, and that they lead us to love Him and worship Him all the more!

Photos from the event taken by Leah Mills.

Christ In The Psalms 2015 Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms artwork and download artwork guides here.

Every summer we return to the Psalms as a church. We are preaching through the entire Psalter, generally about 10-12 psalms every summer in chronological order. Our prayer is that as we work our way through the Psalms, the Psalms would work their way into our every days… That they would inform our prayer lives, our lives of worship before God, and that we would see Christ within every chapter! Last summer, we asked a variety of artists to help us “see” the psalms in a new light. Each artist picked one of the psalms we were going to study that summer, and as they studied it and meditated on the text, they responded to it in art. Below are 12 of the Psalms put to canvas and wood and paint. We pray these pieces of art help you see new things you may have never seen in each Psalm, and even feel them.