Covenant Member Update, August 2024

Church Family,

I want to share a principle that our ministry residents studied this summer. Its implications are helping me see the beautiful work God is doing in our church body!

What does it mean for a human person to flourish? What is required to experience the “life and life to the full” Jesus has designed for us? Over the summer, our Ministry Residents worked through Strong and Weak by Andy Crouch. In his brief book, Crouch holds up the earthly ministry of Jesus—culminating in the cross and resurrection—as not only the means to our flourishing, but also a paradigm for our own life and leadership. It is through carrying both authority (“capacity for meaningful action”) and vulnerability (“exposure to meaningful risk”) into the places and relationships God has called us that others are invited into fuller expressions of the life God has made us for. This is what it means to flourish.

If we are looking, we can see this in the way of creation. A newborn child enters the world with complete vulnerability and essentially no authority. The mother, in her authority, chooses vulnerability by giving birth and nurturing and nourishing the baby with her own body. As time goes on, it is only through her and others with authority making themselves vulnerable that the child learns things, gains new skills, receives opportunities, and eventually matures into an adult with his or her own appropriate authority. It is only through authority and vulnerability that the child may flourish.

As in all good things, Jesus is the chief example. Each of us enters the world confined by our sin nature, deaf to the voice of God, and in a state of utter spiritual vulnerability. In response, God—the One with all authority—chose incarnation, humbling Himself as a human servant condemned to die on the cross (the height of vulnerability!) in order to bring us back to God our Father (Phil. 2:5-11). This is the only way we are released from the bondage of sin and freed to worship God—to truly flourish. And so this principle emerges: When those with authority carry it with vulnerability (again, this is “exposure to meaningful risk”), others are invited to enjoy an increasingly flourishing life.

As I reflect on the last 12 months at Park Church, I’m struck by how often this dynamic has been expressed through our church family. We have welcomed people who are new to the country, new to the city, new to the church, and new to membership. Dozens of you have found ways to meet tangible needs within our church by joining a team or simply jumping in where opportunity arose. Countless conversations about Jesus have taken place in neighborhoods and in everyday relationships. People have come to faith in Jesus. We went on mission trips and hosted mission partners. You all have demonstrated such beautiful financial generosity. Our church leapt at the opportunity to leverage resources to care for the migrant community in our midst. Numerous new Gospel Community leaders have pursued training and started groups. Theological studies were hosted. Late night discussions were abundant. New friendships emerged. Getting honest with our lives became more normal. Parenting moments were worked through. Mentors stepped in with a younger generation. The examples are manifold, and each of you could list a baker’s dozen more.

The point, I hope, is clear. God is at work in and through us. We are certainly far from perfect, but praise be to God that He brings about His sweet purposes through an imperfect people as we learn to look to Him for our every need. All this makes me deeply grateful. And it makes me excited for what’s ahead.

As you dream about the future of our church family, what comes to the foreground? What might mark the next season that we are receiving from the Lord? Whatever this looks like, may the conclusion of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 ever be on our lips: “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask of think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (v. 20–21).

With gratitude and anticipation,

Neil Long
Executive Pastor

Financial Update

Income vs. Expenses

Total Income Total Expenses Surplus
Fiscal Year ’23–’24 Actual: $3,037,841 $2,717,395 $320,446
Fiscal Year ’24–25 $3,024,000 $2,937,277 $86,723
Building Project Fund $253,380

Covenant Member Resources

This page is home to Covenant Member updates, Family Meeting recordings, and digital versions of reports, shown from most recent to least.

Covenant Member Update: March 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024

Member Updates

We’re now a few Sundays into the season of Lent. As we’ll often say around Park, we seek to be instructed by church tradition, never ruled by it.

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Covenant Member Update: October 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Member Updates

Whenever the people of God (that is, the church) come together on a Sunday or in a Gospel Community, we can be understood as the "church gathered," people gathered to worship God and grow together.

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Covenant Member Update: July 2023

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Member Updates

In 2008 a couple dozen people gathered in a Highlands basement for a weekly Bible study with the hopes of joining God in a movement toward Gospel renewal in Denver.

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Family Meeting: May 21, 2023

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Member Updates

Our spring family meeting included a word on prayer from Gwen Hubbard, a preview of our sermon series this fall and spring, a financial update, some staffing updates, an outline of the Covenant Renewal process, prayer by Shepherding Regions, and a short time of worship.

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Covenant Member Update: April 2023

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Member Updates

A tension runs throughout my life that's arguably nowhere more pronounced than during this time of year. Maybe you can relate. I desire for my life to be oriented around and structured toward the voice and presence of Jesus. When asked what determines my priorities, my time, my thought life, I want my answer to be a perpetual, "the personal triune God, of course"...

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Family Meeting: February 12, 2023

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Member Updates

A time for Covenant Members to celebrate what God is doing, pray over what He may do next, and share a meal together.

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Covenant Member Update: December 2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Member Updates

Covenant Member Update, August 2024 Church Family, I want to share a principle that our ministry residents studied this summer. […]

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Family Meeting: November 14, 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022

Member Updates

Family Meetings are a time for Covenant Members and members in-process to look back on God's kindness, get updates on where we are now, and look forward to what God will do in the months and years to come.

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Semester Update Booklet: Fall 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022

Member Updates

This report was handed out at our Family Meeting on November 14, 2022.

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Covenant Member Update: October 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Member Updates

Our elders and staff routinely sit back in awe at God's kindness at Park Church. The past year or so has introduced heartache we never wished for, some of which was self-wrought. We’re humbled and yet remain grateful. We’re humbled by what we now see but didn't before (and are still learning). We’re humbled and grateful at how God has preserved us with such remarkable grace to be where we are right now. And we’re incredibly grateful we have the privilege to pastor and minister within a church family that includes each of you. Thank you for your continued presence, care, and investment.

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An Update on the Basement

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Member Updates

If you've been downstairs at the Park Church building in the last year, you've noticed the plastic sheeting, the scaffolding, and the bare concrete...

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Christian Practices Survey Report: August 2022

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Member Updates

This survey was conducted mid-service on Sunday, August 21, 2022 at Park Church as a part of our annual Mission series. Responses were collected anonymously through an online form and paper response sheets. This report exists to make the results accessible to our congregation for discussion and growth.

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Sunday Worship Gathering Updates

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Member Updates

Earlier this week the Denver County Health Department issued a Public Health order requiring masks at all indoor public gatherings. Starting this Sunday, November 28th, we will be requiring masks at all Park Church gatherings.

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Covenant Membership Renewal

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Member Updates

Through the broken body and shed blood of Jesus, those who trust in Him are ushered into covenant relationship with the Triune God and with the spiritual family He has created...

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Annual Report: 2022–2021

Monday, October 25, 2021

Member Updates

This report was handed out at our Family Meeting on October 25, 2021.

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Sunday Worship Gathering Updates

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Member Updates

It has been a gift to gather in-person again after a long and often lonely season. We are so thankful for this, yet we also recognize that this pandemic is not over. We are all working through how to live in that difficult tension...

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Sunday Worship Gathering Updates

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Member Updates

We are encouraged by recent announcements from the CDC and the City of Denver that vaccinated people can go without wearing masks in most indoor and all outdoor environments.

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Family Meeting, January 31 2021

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Member Updates

A panel of Park Church staff and members discussed Park Church Downtown and responded to questions.

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