Park Church Family,
For generations, God has faithfully worked through His church, calling His people to seek first His kingdom and join His mission. As we enter a new season at Park Church, we believe God is inviting us to steward this moment—our time, place, lives, and resources—for His mission in the world.
Over the next two years, we are pursuing a vision that will help us grow in four specific areas: discipling the next generation, extending the hospitality of Jesus, cultivating leaders church-wide, and multiplying Gospel-centered ministry.
Videography provided by Steve Vanderheide and James Stukenburg. See below for more images of the historical record book show in this video.
Four Areas of Vision
I. Discipling the Next Generation
To faithfully share the gospel and provide rich discipleship contexts for our growing number of children, youth, and parents, we are directing resources to our Family Ministries to build the necessary capacity to steward our current opportunity.
Our Goal: About $1.22M
II. Extending the hospitality of Jesus
To align our building and programming with the welcome and hospitality of Jesus, we are investing in our building to make every floor, each aspect of our Sunday gatherings, and all events accessible and invitational to those who desire to be involved.
Our Goal: About $1.4M
III. Cultivating Leaders Churchwide
To bolster our theological and leadership development for church members, pastors-in-training, and our existing leadership team, we are cultivating a structural and pastoral environment to develop leaders in ways that integrate theology, practice, relationships, prayer, and mission.
Our Goal: About $830K
IV. Multiplying Gospel-Centered Ministry
To pursue Gospel multiplication here in Denver and globally, we are seeking opportunities to extend the preaching of the Gospel and to start Jesus-centered ministries that serve tangible needs of our neighborhood and the city more broadly.
Our Goal: About $1.125M
One Continued Mission
Park Church exists to make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and the joy of all people. Year after year, this is sustained by our operating budget, provided by the people of Park Church (covering ministry initiatives, Sunday gatherings, staffing, facilities, missions partnerships, and more). Over the next two fiscal years, our operating budget is $6.425M ($3.212M x 2), which is on pace with our recent annual operating budgets.

Total Goal:
$11M to be raised over two years
In summary, the four areas of vision listed above include a fundraising effort of $4.575M over two years in addition to our operating budget of $6.425M over two-years. This brings our total amount to be raised to $11M over two years.

Next Steps
100% Engagement: An Invitation for Everyone
As we step into this next season together, we’re inviting every person in our church family to engage. No matter where you are in your journey, there’s a place for you in what God is doing here.
What stirs in your heart as you pray for our church and reflect on our vision for the next two years? Where do you sense excitement or a nudge from God? How might He be leading you to serve, pray, get involved, or give toward these priorities?
Our mission has always been simple: to make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and the joy of all people. As we invest more deeply in discipling families, making our church more accessible, cultivating leaders, and multiplying Gospel ministry, we believe God is calling us to steward our moment for something greater.
Thank you for being part of this with us. Your presence, prayers, and partnership matter. Let’s step forward together in faith.
Key Invitations
Key Dates:
Visualize Two-Year Giving: What's the potential impact of a gift over time?
Monthly Gift | Total Annual Gift | Total Two-Year Gift | # of Givers | Provides |
($) | (x12) | (x2) | ||
$20 | $240 | $480 | 75 | $36,000 |
$25 | $300 | $600 | 70 | $42,000 |
$50 | $600 | $1,200 | 60 | $72,000 |
$100 | $1,200 | $2,400 | 55 | $132,000 |
$250 | $3,000 | $6,000 | 50 | $300,000 |
$500 | $6,000 | $12,000 | 45 | $540,000 |
$1,000 | $12,000 | $24,000 | 40 | $960,000 |
$2,500 | $30,000 | $60,000 | 35 | $2,100,000 |
$5,000 | $60,000 | $120,000 | 25 | $3,000,000 |
$10,000 | $120,000 | $240,000 | 12 | $2,880,000 |
$20,833 | $250,000 | $500,000 | 4 | $2,000,000 |
TOTAL: $11,000,000 |
Vision from the Past & Vision for the Future
Building Stewardship, 1923–Present
First, if you haven’t watched the vision video, we encourage you to do that! Please see the top of this page.
Past Building Stewardship
To expand on the vision video's picture of the past, below are several highlights from North Presbyterian Church’s Book of Records (1882–1926), cataloging the investment and efforts of the previous generation that originally built and expanded on our building.
Click to images to enlarge. Photography provided by James Stukenburg.
Future Building Stewardship
Renderings of Planned building improvements in light of our two-year vision, particularly vision areas I and II—discipling the next generation and extending the hospitality of Jesus.
Renderings provided by Lee Architects. Click images to enlarge.

Proposed additional entrance and "atrium," featuring access to revised Park Kids check in and classrooms area, elevator, and gallery/sanctuary. The simple patio above adds additional social space and meeting space.

Interior view of proposed atrium, facing 37th Ave entrance.

Interior view of proposed atrium from 37th Ave entrance, facing Park Kids check-in area.

Proposed LED wall that sits behind historic organ pipes. All pipes are removable based on video needs. LED display is brighter and preserves better color in our natural light-washed sanctuary.
Proposed new floorplans for each floors. Original floor plans provided by Lee Architects. Click images to enlarge.

Floors 0–1: Revised Park Kids and Park Students Spaces (obscured in this image for building security), inlcuding elevator, ramps, and accessible bathrooms.

Floor 2: Lobby addition, elevator, updated Park Kids space (obscured in this image for building security), and new coffee spaces, nursing mothers' room, and accessible bathrooms.

Floor 3: Updated officing, elevator, classroom, prayer room, conference room, patio, and accessible bathrooms.