Lent & Holy Week Artwork

At Park Church, we use visual artwork as an accompaniment to sermon series, church calendar seasons, church holidays, and some events. Besides the simple reality that good art is nice to look at, we also believe that—by engaging a different part of us than words do—artwork helps us learn.

Who is Avo Keerend?

Over the years, we’ve looked to different visual artists inside and outside of our church family to create our artwork. However, this year for Lent and Holy week, we’re looking several decades back in time to the work of an Estonian graphic artist named Avo Keerend. Keerend (1920–2012) was a trained painter and a prolific linoleum-cut artist, but turned towards making geometric-abstract pieces with letterpress and plastic printing (that is, by hand without a computer) near the end of his career in the 1980s. We’ve used five of these later, geometric-abstract pieces for this Lent and Holy Week collection. Learn more about Avo Keerend’s life here (your web browser will have to translate from Estonian!).

okay—Why does this matter?

We sing songs written before our time, enjoy a church building built before our time, and often reference authors who wrote before our time. Things like this remind us that we’re not the first or the last to live. Granted, for many in our community, these art pieces from the 1980s may not be “before your time!” Even still, to look back 40 years and be moved or challenged by an artistic work can teach us something.

Why these particular images?

In general, abstract geometry has always defied the world of art. Why should painting a circle be so hard? How can a mess of lines stir up so much emotion? How can complex narratives come to mind at the sight of simple shapes?

For a brief answer to these questions, let’s look to a few more-complex art forms. An elaborate oil painting, a hand-woven tapestry, or the sound of a full orchestra are each the work of a thousand soft touches. These types of art can wow us with their wonderful abundance of detail and nuance by giving our senses a lot of “information.” One might say this information comes with a decision to either sort it all out (“What am I seeing? What am I hearing? How is this possible?”), or to simply let it “wash over you” (“What am I feeling?”). How wonderful to choose either!

On the other hand, abstract geometry is wildly different. Compared to an oil painting, a handful of squares or lines pressed onto a canvas (with a just little shading) might take 100,000 less touches. The finished piece gives our senses so much less “information.” To some, this may lead to questions that sounds less like “What am I seeing? What am I feeling?”, and more like “Is this even art?” This is a common and valid opinion! Other viewers may feel significantly moved, even challenged to interpret what they’re seeing.

One Interpretation

As a fan of this artist and this style of artwork, I (JD Raab) wanted to provide one possible “reading” of each panel in this series. But before I begin, it’s important to note that these art pieces from Avo Keerend were not made for the application to which I’ve set them—I have enjoyed interpreting them and applying them as such. This is one of the beautiful strengths of this sort of artwork—it can mean many different things. Let me tell you what I see…

Ash Wednesday

The squares feel as if they move from left to right and create a narrative. Perhaps only one square moves, but we see it pictured in a few “stages” of its journey? The dark square at the beginning (hidden in the fold of the large left triangle) and the dark square at the end (falling out of the larger right triangle) work as bookmarks in a journey: a start and an end. In particular, we may see a movement reminiscent of Genesis 3:19—from dust to dust; a falling like gravity.


Though the shapes furthest back in this composition are dark (perhaps representing original “dust,” as referenced in the Ash Wednesday piece), there is a lighter foreground, appearing as a sort of sash over the purple rectangle (Lent is traditionally represented with the color purple). Taken altogether, this purple rectangle can illustrate the tension we feel in this season: mortality and sin is right behind us, but in Christ we are truly wrapped in His righteousness and life. Furthermore, in the image, the black shape is separated from the purple rectangle by this white sash—just as we are ultimately separated from our sin and death. The question of “how is any of that possible?” is appropriately felt!

Palm Sunday

Bright yellow shouts of happiness are present, but as in the previous piece for Lent, dark shapes are furthest back in our image. The irony of Palm Sunday is clear—those who know the whole story can rejoice with a “Hosanna!” while knowing that “Crucify Him!” can come from the same place. We say with David “Unite my heart to fear Your name!” (Psalm 86:11). This art piece also shows a white shape entwined above, between, and below the other shapes. As in our piece for Lent, I see this white “path” representing the presence and foreknowledge of Christ in all of the happenings of Holy Week (and how it plays out in our hearts today).


As we get to this piece, all instances of light and warmth are gone. The black present in the other pieces is now the entire background. The white shape and/or path from the previous pieces has turned purple, and is wrapped in red and black serpentine forms. The white turned purple illustrates the royalty of Christ in His death (his upside-down throne). The red and back illustrate the hatred, the sin, and curses that fell on Him in this moment. It’s an entangling, suffocating mess, but the shape representing Jesus is shown as larger as the other shapes, extending well past them and even turning to “see” them. His sovereignty is unaffected.


As you view this piece, I challenge you to picture it as “zoomed out” in comparison to the other pieces. Imagine that its scope has to be much larger! Shapes of yellow and black that previously seemed central are now laying small against a massive, layered backdrop that’s bright with the shades of a dawn sky. The white from earlier pieces now wraps around the sky and amongst the shapes on the ground, even supporting the yellow and black shapes. It’s as if the whole “stage” is now visible, and the end is clear.

Partner Highlight: Denver Rescue Mission

Denver Rescue Mission is committed to helping those experiencing homelessness and addiction in the Denver Metro Area and providing opportunities for change and rehabilitation. DRM serves our city by providing emergency housing services, rehabilitation, housing transition, and continued community outreach.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbor through the joys of life and through its pains. We are called to be there in times of righteousness and in times of injustice. As the winter marches on, the needs of those experiencing homelessness become acute. If you or your Gospel Community haven’t considered volunteering with Denver Rescue Mission, now could be a meaningful time to do so.

Who is Served?

Denver Rescue Mission serves those experiencing homelessness and addiction in our city.

Why Is This Work Important

Approximately 9977 people experience homelessness in Denver. 71% of these individuals rely on organizations like Denver Rescue Mission for temporary places to stay safe amidst nights and the weather. (Source: Metro Denver Homeless Initiative). Learn more about the realities of Homelessness in Denver here.

How Can You Serve?

While there are many ways to serve, here are a couple of good starting places for individuals and groups:

How Can You Give?

To give to the mission, visit Denver Rescue Mission’s giving page.

Missions Partner Highlight: CrossPurpose

This spring, we want to focus on reflecting the love of Jesus by reaching out to others with compassion, unifying grace, and sacrificial action. Below, you can learn more about one opportunity we would love to invite you to begin thinking and praying about.

Cross Purpose

CrossPurpose is a non-profit organization that seeks to abolish relational, economic, and spiritual poverty through tuition-free career training and community development. An important element of their work is the cultivation of “Ally” relationships. This Spring Semester, we invite you, your family, or your Gospel Community to join CrossPurpose and their mission by becoming an ally.

What is a CrossPurpose Ally?

An Ally is a volunteer who walks alongside the CrossPurpose community and career development program participants (called “Leaders”) to encourage and build friendships.

On Wednesday nights from 6–8pm, we come together for “Family Gatherings.” Three to four allies share a meal with 10–15 Leaders, play a game or two, and check in on how things are progressing in our Leaders’ lives and careers. Allies help provide Leaders with social capital and community outside their normal circles.

Learn more about becoming an Ally

Holiday Missions Partner Highlight: Hope House Colorado

As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbor through the joys of life and through its pains. We are called to be there in times of righteousness and in times of injustice. During this holiday season, we’re inviting our community to engage with and care for our neighbors by actively participating anew with one of our Mission Partners. We will share about several of these partners in our weekly email over the upcoming month, including specific ways to serve.

Hope House Colorado

Mission and Action:

Hope House provides free self-sufficiency programs to parenting teen moms.

Who is Served?

Denver-area teen moms in need.

Why Is This Work Important

The Empower Program provides opportunities for teen moms to achieve personal, educational, and economic self-sufficiency. The Housing Support Program provides metro-Denver’s only residential program for teen moms, as well as additional housing support through various partnerships. The Early Learning & School Age Program focuses on literacy and social-emotional development for children while providing early intervention services, school-age support, and a parenting program for teen moms. All programs are designed to transform the lives of two generations at Hope House.

How Can You Give?

To give to the mission, visit Hope House’s giving page.

Holiday Missions Partner Highlight: Save Our Youth

As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbor through the joys of life and through its pains. We are called to be there in times of righteousness and in times of injustice. During this holiday season, we’re inviting our community to engage with and care for our neighbors by actively participating anew with one of our Mission Partners. We will share about several of these partners in our weekly email over the upcoming month, including specific ways to serve.

Save Our Youth

Mission and Action:

Save our Youth provides one-to-one mentorship as a pathway to help young people overcome adverse experiences and learn to embrace hope: the belief that they can have something better than they have now and that they have a role to play in making it better. Save Our Youth is currently celebrating 30 years of connecting youth to hope!

Who is Served?

Save Our Youth most commonly serves young people ages 10–7.

Why Is This Work Important

Frederick Douglass once said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” When young people are led and encouraged to pursue their dreams, there is a higher probability that they will achieve those dreams, no matter what background they first came from.

How Can You Give?

To give to the mission, visit Save Our Youth’s giving page.

Holiday Missions Partner Highlight: Denver Rescue Mission

As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbor through the joys of life and through its pains. We are called to be there in times of righteousness and in times of injustice. During this holiday season, we’re inviting our community to engage with and care for our neighbors by actively participating anew with one of our Mission Partners. We will share about several of these partners in our weekly email over the upcoming month, including specific ways to serve.

Denver Rescue Mission

Mission and Action:

Denver Rescue Mission is committed to helping those experiencing homelessness and addiction in the Denver Metro Area and providing opportunities for change and rehabilitation. DRM serves our city by providing emergency housing services, rehabilitation, housing transition, and continued community outreach.

Who is Served?

Denver Rescue Mission serves those experiencing homelessness and addiction in our city.

Why Is This Work Important

Approximately 9977 people experience homelessness in Denver. 71% of these individuals rely on organizations like Denver Rescue Mission for temporary places to stay safe amidst nights and the weather. (Source: Metro Denver Homeless Initiative). Learn more about the realities of Homelessness in Denver here.

How Can You Serve?

While there are many ways to serve, here are a couple of good starting places for individuals and groups:

How Can You Give?

To give to the mission, visit Denver Rescue Mission’s giving page.

A Word From Author Jonathan Holmes on This Year’s Men’s Retreat

A quick invitation from the speaker for this year’s Men’s Retreat, author Jonathan Holmes…
Our annual Men’s Retreat is a core time for growth, laughs, and dedicated time as a community. Over the years, we’ve seen embarrassing wiffle ball errors, outstanding mountain cycling, decent fly-fishing results, and a confusing amount of spikeball. But more than that, we’ve seen new friendships sprout, old friendship refreshed, and community deepen. This year is all about friendship (though spikeball will still be available).


Men’s Retreat 2024: Forming Friendship

Friday–Sunday, August 9–11 • YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO • $200 (Scholarships Available)

Learn More & Register

Psalm 142—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

View A.R. Accompaniment

Person: Myra Ferguson

As a digital media subject matter expert, I wrote “How to Cheat in Adobe Animate CC: The Art of Design and Animation” and have authored video courses for Photoshop and Illustrator. I also teach part time at the University of Colorado Boulder, provide video tutorials and articles to help InDesign users convert their layouts to interactive HTML5 content, and do projects in conjunction with Adobe and LinkedIn. My portfolio is available at myraferguson.myportfolio.com.

Piece: Photoshop Composition with Animated A.R. Experience

This piece focuses on the first part of Psalm 142:3, “When my spirit grows faint within me.” The darkened silhouette of the woman contrasts with light of the spirit. The image alone didn’t fully capture the sentiment, so I animated it. The animated version shows the light shrinking, fading, and flickering in a continuous loop. In addition to the animation, the augmented reality (AR) aspect includes the animation placed on a cube in order to represent the block of time where that feeling was experienced.

This piece began as an exercise for Project 101010, for which I created an animated GIF. I revised that result to create this version.

For the image, I started with an Adobe Stock image of a woman sitting at a desk with a laptop. In Photoshop, I desaturated the image, selected the subject, added a layer mask, and darkened her to create the silhouette effect. I inverted and modified the selection to darken the rest of the image around her. I added a lens flare that I modified to represent the spirit.

Then I created the animation by taking the layered Photoshop document into After Effects where I added a flicker effect to the modified lens flare and animated the scale and transparency of it. I exported a PNG sequence of the animation to use in the A.R. part.

I imported the PNG sequence in Adobe Aero and added the behavior to make the animation automatically play and loop. In Substance 3D Stager, I made a cube and added a material that I modified to go with the look of animation. I imported the cube into Adobe Aero and published the A.R. experience which generated the QR code.

Then, I added the QR code and instructions for accessing the A.R. experience to the image in Photoshop.

Holy Saturday Guide

Set apart 10-30 minutes at some point on Saturday to work through this meditation slowly as an individual or household. Have a timer handy for moments of silence.


John 19:38-42

After these things Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took away his body. Nicodemus also, who earlier had come to Jesus by night, came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds in weight. So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews. Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there.


Holy Saturday. A day we often miss entirely. In our flurry and hurry of preparation to ready ourselves for the celebration of Easter morning, we forget that there was an entire 24-hour day in between the horrors of Good Friday and the joys of Easter. More than a full day between death and life. Between the last exhale and the next inhale. A full day between the darkness of despair and the dawn of new hope.

We already know the full story, so it’s easy enough for us to skip straight to the “happy ending.” That feels more comfortable and much less awkward to us, especially in this day and age. And, if we’re honest, this is what we’re tempted to do with all of our problems, griefs and “little deaths” we experience during our time on earth. We tell ourselves, “everything will be fine in the end!” We push down our discomfort and sadness, jumping straight to an optimistic perspective. We find silver linings. We sugar-coat. We strive to turn our situation around as quickly as possible, and if that doesn’t succeed, we often try to escape, or medicate, or numb ourselves from feeling the pain. These are considered normal reactions in our broken world.

But is it how God intended us to live?

Why would God allow for an entire day between Good Friday and Easter? Is it “productive?” What good does it do us? What good did it do the disciples? Couldn’t Jesus have risen on Holy Saturday? Or, for that matter, immediately after being crucified? Why did He make the disciples wait till the third day?

It seems that, through some great mystery, God chose to use the waiting and silence of Holy Saturday for some deeper meaning and purpose. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways, and His timing is not our timing. It wasn’t Abraham’s timing, waiting for a promised child. It wasn’t Job’s timing, waiting for his family to be restored. And it wasn’t the disciples’ timing, waiting for the coming Kingdom and the resurrection.

So how do we approach these “confusing in-betweens” with appropriate health and faith? Have you ever considered how Jesus, the only perfect human to ever live, wept over the death of His friend Lazarus? He took real time to feel sadness and grief even though He knew He would resurrect Lazarus from the dead within a few hours! Jesus models time and time again that we are made as humans to slow down, to allow ourselves to feel emotions before God, and to wait for God to move in His timing.

On Holy Saturday we remember this most painfully confusing “in-between” that the disciples faced millenia ago. But we also recognize that each of us are facing our own “in-betweens” right now, as we wait for God to answer our prayers and ultimately redeem all things. We might be waiting for God to heal a disease or an emotional grief. We might be waiting for reconciliation with a friend or family member. We might be struggling with the recent loss of a life, a home, or a career. We may deeply desire a new relationship or a new chapter in life. We may be waiting for God to pull us out of a “dark night of the soul.” When we slow down, we may even simply feel the weight of the world’s brokenness and our longing for Christ to make all things new.

Yet, through each of these Holy Saturdays we live through, we are not alone. We find ourselves in the company of all who walked with Jesus before us, and even more preciously, we find ourselves in the very presence of our kind Savior who gave up His life for you and me. He who once lay still and breathless in the belly of a cold tomb now sits with us here in this moment.


Right now, take a few moments to think about one or two “in-betweens” you’re experiencing, whether great or small. As they come to mind, allow yourself to feel sadness over your unmet longings. Silently ask God to fulfill these longings, even if you’ve asked countless times before.

Then, if possible, set a timer for 2-5 minutes to sit in silence and stillness before God. Remember that He is with you. Recognize that He also weeps with you over the “in-betweens.” Allow His presence with you now to bring comfort.


“Holy Saturday” Written by Brent Summers, 2021

A threshold, and an open door,
A pause in sacred time,
Remembering what came before,
To know a plan sublime;
Suspended now ‘tween darkest day
And brightest dawn e’er known,
Our thoughts, unsettled as we pray,
Come to the heav’nly throne.
Today we wait expectantly,
In stillness look again
For patience and humility
As we trust alone in Him.
And in reflections through the day
Our hearts remain steadfast,
For Jesus is our hope and stay,
His love is unsurpassed.

So now we rest and contemplate
The fearful price He paid,
Too soon to join and celebrate;
A tension must be weighed;
To feel the somber gravity,
The solemn call is heard,
With rumors rustling in the breeze,
Profound in ev’ry word.
These liminal reflections bring
A wisdom as we pray,
Will deepen life in everything,
Give meaning to the day.
Oh God, give us the wherewithal
To wait and trust and cope
With passing time that sometimes crawls
Please fill our hearts with hope.


  • What stood out to you from these readings?
  • What is God stirring in your heart today?


O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. -Book of Common Prayer


Again, set a timer for 2-5 minutes, then sit in silence and stillness before God.

Maundy Thursday Guide


Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Good Friday. It marks the final night that Jesus gathered with His disciples before His crucifixion. On that night He explained the meaning of His death through a modified passover feast, He gave some of his final teachings, and He washed the feet of His disciples teaching them a “new commandment”—to love one another just as He has loved us.

Traditionally, the church has gathered on this night to remember the Lord’s Last Supper and His commandment (latin: mandatum) to “love one another.” We do this by reading Scripture, praying, sharing a meal, and celebrating communion. This is a night of both remembrance and preparation. We slow down on Thursday night to remember the love of Jesus our Suffering Servant, and we prepare our hearts to feel both the sorrow and the gratitude that should particularly mark Good Friday.



Prior to the meal, read aloud John 13:1-20 and 33-35. Then take a few minutes to pray around these themes:

  • Give thanks for the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the real life community borne in this death and resurrection and seen gathered.
  • Ask for help to remember and give weight to the events that this weekend memorializes.
  • Ask for help to believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus really grants all that the New Testament claims (forgiveness, adoption, union with Jesus, and new life).
  • Pray that God would move through our time together on Friday night and Sunday to help us believe and celebrate all that God has given us in the death and resurrection of Jesus.


Share a meal together, discussing the importance of Holy Week. Here are some questions that may help spur on conversation:

  • What is the significance of Jesus’ triumphal entry (Palm Sunday)? How was the way in which Jesus the king presented himself surprising to people? How is it surprising and/or difficult to accept for you?
  • What took place during the Last Supper? What do we learn about the character of Jesus from that evening? How does this bring joy to you? How is it challenging?
  • Why were the events of Good Friday necessary? For what reasons do you think it is hard for us to consider sin and its consequences? How do we see the glory of God in the crucifixion?
  • What might prevent us from deep and full celebration on Easter Sunday? In what ways does Easter inspire joy, comfort, and hope? What are ways you can prepare your heart for Good Friday and Easter Sunday?


On the night before His death, Jesus taught His disciples the meaning of His death through a modified passover meal that He instituted as a perpetual reminder for all who would follow Him. While celebrating Communion weekly in our gathered worship is a vital practice for our church, celebrating in homes with smaller communities can also be a powerful practice that can help us remember and celebrate what Jesus did for us on the cross. Here are the basic elements involved in celebrating Communion with your community:

  • Prepare: To celebrate Communion, you will need wine, grape juice, and bread.
  • Remind: Remind your community that we are truly grateful for everyone who is present, but that Communion is a covenant meal that is intended for followers of Jesus.
  • Read: Ask someone read 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.
  • Serve: Ask two people to serve Communion by offering the bread and the cup, saying:
    • “The Body of Christ, broken for you.”
    • “The Blood of Christ, shed for you.”
  • Sing (Optional): You can sing a simple and well-known hymn like The Doxology.
  • Pray: Ask someone close in prayer, thanking Jesus for the love that He has shown us through His sacrificial death on the cross.


Give some instructions in preparation for Good Friday. Our Good Friday service is very different from what many people have experienced. Encourage your community to arrive early. The service is very dark and is a service of remembrance and mourning. We will read together through the last hours of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. We will sing about the cross. At the end, we will – in silence and darkness – receive the Lord’s Supper and leave.

For many the service is a disorienting one. It is designed to break us from the banality of much of our lives, immerse us in the gravity and sadness that marks Good Friday, and stir in us a longing to see the fruit of this night on Easter. The closing silence is particularly poignant for people as we ask that the whole congregation leave the building and parking lot in silence. Pray for this night. Pray that the Gospel would be clear. Pray that non-Christians, on Good Friday and Easter, would be given faith to believe.