Advent Devotional Guide: Week Four
The Second Coming and Mission
In our fourth and final week of Advent, we are focusing on how the Second Coming of Christ shapes and motivates our mission in the world. The story of the Bible culminates in the return of Jesus to renew and restore the world. This future restoration is not disconnected from our current reality. Rather, it’s the culmination of the mission that Jesus has given to His people.
As we anticipate His future return, followers of Jesus are called to participate in this mission by representing Christ in the way we live and by spreading the good news about Jesus to our neighbors, communities, and around the world.
The glorious truth is that the Bible gives us a Gospel that addresses every dimension of the problem that sin has created. God’s mission is the final destruction of all that is evil from His whole creation. Our mission therefore has to be as comprehensive in scope as the Gospel the whole Bible gives us. […] God chose not to abandon or destroy His creation, but to redeem it. And He chose to do so within history through persons and events that run from the call of Abraham to the return of Christ.
(Christopher Wright, “The Mission of God’s People,” p. 41)
Prayer Invitations & Discussion Questions
- Individually, with your co-workers, or with your household, pray the the Lord’s Prayer 1–3 times a day (morning, noon, and night):
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
(From Matthew 6:9–13) - Who are your friends or family members that don’t know Jesus? Pray that God would give you opportunities and courage to share the good news of Jesus with particular neighbors, friends, co-workers, classmates, or family members.
- Are there areas in your life where you don’t feel like you are representing Christ well? Pray that Jesus would help you to grow as a representative of His character in that area.
- Jesus has called us to be His witnesses “to the ends of the earth.” Pray for missionaries and Christians around the world who are bringing the good news of Jesus to unreached or under-reached regions and communities.
- Join us for our final Advent Weekly Prayer this Wednesday, December 21, at 12pm in the Gallery at the church building. Consider also fasting from breakfast and/or lunch. New to fasting? Here are some thoughts.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven: Pray that God would give us passion and courage to participate in His Kingdom mission:
Songs for the week
O Come O Come Emmanuel (The Christian Year, Park Church Music, Chichi Agorom from “The Christian Year, Vol. 1“)
Joy To The World (The Christian Year, Park Church Music, Anna Brawner from “The Christian Year, Vol. 2“)
Additional Resource
O Come O Come Emmanuel (The Christian Year, Park Church Music, Chichi Agorom from “The Christian Year, Vol. 1“)
Joy To The World (The Christian Year, Park Church Music, Anna Brawner from “The Christian Year, Vol. 2“)
Witness (Martus) Word Study (The Bible Project)