Psalm 149—Artwork

Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.

Person: Allee Nesbitt

I’m Allee, I do creative direction, design, and branding for an urban planning company based out of San Francisco, CA. I have been attending Park Church since 2016. Park is where I met my husband and we have a little guy named Levi!

Piece: Digital Illustration

Psalm 149 is a depiction of genuine, joyful praise for our Creator. It reveals the triumphant present-future reality that is ours in Christ: all things will surely be made new. I wanted this art to display human hands in full, authentic worship – without any reservations due to fear or shame. Simply, each posture offers its own song in response to the intimacy, mystery, and glory of God. The hands are drawn with an outline in red depicting the blood of Christ which purchased us.

When I first picked this Psalm, I was intimidated by the juxtaposition of the joy-filled people mixed with the harsh reality of justice being served. It’s a topic my heart always has wrestled with being a follower of Christ and I have had to submit my flawed human view of justice over to God many many times. When designing this art, I wanted to focus on the joy it will feel to be freely in worship one day, without any doubt holding me back from true authenticity.


Lent & Holy Week Artwork

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


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