Easter Sunday 2022

In response to the wonder of Jesus’ resurrection and victory over death and the grave, Easter stands alone as the most joyful, boisterous day we observe each year.

Good Friday 2022

Happened Friday, April 15

We allowed the Scriptures to take us to the scene of our Lord’s betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial, setting us up for a deep celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Men’s Seminar 2022: The Love of the Father

The past couple years have sucker punched many of us. A persistent anxiety seems to lurk in the corners. Old strategies of survival often fall short. Impulses from within and deceptive delights from without attempt to steal our ability to commune with God. Lingering temptations drag us down. New patterns often leave us lacking the joy we ache to experience.

We must return again to the love of the Father. He runs after us. But to truly see Him, we have to relax our defenses and tune our hearts again to hear His voice singing over us.

Let’s fight together to abide in the pursuing love of God our Father. At this year’s men’s seminar, we’ll gather the men of Park Church over wings and drinks to hear from pastor and author J. Kevin Butcher (Choose and Choose Again, Free). We’ll seek to learn to live as sons, purchased by the blood of the perfect Son. Life and freedom await.

Matthew 14:22–36: The Lord of the Storm

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Before we move on from Christmas, we want to intentionally celebrate the incarnation of Christ. In the historical church calendar, the short season for this observance is called Christmastide, running from Christmas Day on December 25 till January 5.


Advent Hymn Sing 2021

From Wednesday, December 8

A night of singing, reading about, and longing for Jesus, our coming King.

Work + Worship

In Partnership with Denver Institute for Faith & Work • From Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Many Christians today feel an aching divide between their worshipping life on Sunday and their working life on Monday. Sunday worship is often viewed as an escape from a busy week of work in the office, the classroom, and the home. But what if that’s not the way God intended it to be? What if God designed human beings to live integrated lives–to carry the cares and concerns of our daily work into his sanctuary in an act of worship. What if we could experience the gospel in new and transformative ways by bringing our work and worship together?

The Public Square: Disagreement without Division

If anything, 2020 exposed our glaring inability to have hard conversations about issues that matter with charity and humility while not sacrificing conviction and truth. At this event, we discussed practicing a pattern of love in how we engage with disagreement as unified witnesses of Jesus in the world.

About The Public Square:

Throughout history, the Church has recognized its place in speaking into the broader culture around us. God designed us, and He knows both what our societies need to thrive and what causes their decay. As Christians in our city and country, we want to speak with wisdom, grace, and clarity about what leads to human flourishing as a testament to the truth of God’s word and the power of the Gospel to bring life.

To help us do this well, we are re-introducing a series of events called “The Public Square,” preparing us to contribute faithfully in spaces where people and opinions interact.

Sunday Worship Gathering Updates

Park Church,

We are encouraged by recent announcements from the CDC and the City of Denver that vaccinated people can go without wearing masks in most indoor and all outdoor environments.

In light of this public health guidance, the leadership team of Park Church has decided to make the following changes to our current COVID-19 policies:

  • Masks will be optional for Sunday Worship Gatherings and all other events starting this Sunday, May 23. (Consistent with local school districts’ current policies, masks will continue to be required for teachers, parents, and children three and older while in Park Kids’ and Park Students’ spaces.)
  • We have eliminated capacity limits, registration, and temperature checks for Sunday gatherings. Even with these changes, we encourage you to continue to be mindful of others’ preferences as you find your seats and engage with each other and in worship.
  • Starting on Sunday, June 6, we will move to two Sunday services in the Highlands—9 and 11am. We will continue with one service Downtown at 10am.
  • Also starting Sunday, June 6, Park Kids Highlands classes will be happening during the 9am service instead of the 10am service. There is no need to re-register for Park Kids Highlands classes if you are already registered. If you have not registered, do so here by May 23.

In both congregations, we continue to have commercial-grade air purifiers run before, during, and after each service.

For those who are high-risk or simply do not feel comfortable re-gathering in person, we will continue to offer our livestreams:

  • Highlands: 10am this Sunday, May 23, and next Sunday, May 30, then moving to an 11am stream on Sunday, June 6
  • Downtown: Continuing to stream at 10am

A Pastoral Word

Many of us have grown accustomed to mask wearing over the past year, and it will take some time before everyone feels comfortable going without. Furthermore, there are many legitimate reasons why someone may choose to continue to wear a mask in public.

Masks have become a politicized and polarizing point of contention in our culture, and the Adversary would love to fracture and divide us (1 Peter 5:8). As we interact with others who have differences of opinion and conscience, let’s be vigilant to abstain from both judgmental attitudes and being an offense or stumbling block to others (Romans 14). Let’s pursue a spirit of unity, sympathy, and humility (1 Peter 3:8). And, as we build new rhythms of gathering together for worship, community, and mission, may our lives be marked by the Spirit’s love, peace, patience, kindness, and gentleness toward one another (Galatians 5:22–23).

Grace and Peace,

Ryan Gannett
Executive Director of Operations

Good Friday

Watch or re-watch the 6pm Good Friday Service

Friday, April 2 • 6PM

Scriptures takes us to the scene of our Lord’s betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion, and burial, setting us up for a deep celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.