In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions,

it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, more meaningful life we long for. In our Spring sermon series, Seek First the Kingdom, we’ll explore how Jesus offers a path that frees us from these anxieties, inviting us to experience His peace and joy by realigning our lives and priorities with His Kingdom.

Our Context:


We live in a context where an invisible web of overlapping pressures constantly shapes our daily lives. The unspoken expectation to keep up with the achievements, possessions, and lifestyle choices of peers fosters a constant sense of comparison. Consumer culture pushes us to spend on the newest technology, fashion, and experiences, even as rising housing costs and the desire to live in desirable n eighborhoods strain our finances. Social media amplifies these pressures, showcasing idealized lifestyles while encouraging us to excel in everything from fitness and wellness to adventurous hobbies and creative pursuits.…


For some, the challenge is simply making ends meet—balancing rising rents, grocery bills, and job demands while trying to stay afloat. For others, the demand for career advancement adds another layer of stress, with many feeling they must continually climb the professional ladder. Even leisure time feels crowded with obligations to attend events, juggle commitments, maintain friendships, and make meaningful use of every moment. Combined with the push to adopt sustainable practices and the unrelenting pace of technological change, these pressures create a whirlwind of expectations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious…

When the weight of these pressures becomes too much, many of us retreat into habits that offer quick relief but little resolution. We zone out in front of the TV, scroll endlessly through social media, or distract ourselves with shopping, snacking, or gaming. These behaviors give us a temporary escape from anxiety, numbing the stress and offering the illusion of rest. But often, they leave us feeling even more disconnected and drained, caught in a cycle of avoidance rather than renewal. Instead of addressing the deeper issues, we find ourselves stuck in routines that dull the edges of our anxiety without ever truly easing it.

This cycle of pressure and escape can feel like an endless loop, leaving us feeling stuck and uncertain about how to move forward. But Jesus offers us a way through the anxiety—a path that doesn’t ignore our struggles but reorients them. He calls us to seek first His Kingdom, shifting our focus from the endless demands of this world to the deeper purpose and peace found in Him.

"Seek First the Kingdom"

In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus addresses a universal fear that transcends time and culture: Will I have what I need to be okay? He speaks directly to the fundamental concerns of every human heart—food, drink, clothing, and shelter. These basic needs form the foundation of our sense of security. Yet, our desires extend far beyond these essentials to include belonging, achievement, and fulfillment. In modern societies, this list of “necessities” grows ever longer, driving much of our striving and leaving us overwhelmed by anxiety. This inner turmoil strains relationships, overloads schedules, and diminishes our ability to experience God’s presence. Yet Jesus offers another way. He invites us to reflect on how God faithfully provides for his creation—caring for the birds of the air and clothing the lilies of the field—and to trust that we are even more valuable to Him.

In response to the anxiety dominating our lives, Jesus doesn’t present a self-help solution or a quick fix. Instead, he calls us to reorder our priorities. Over and over, he asks, “What do you seek?” because he knows that our desires and pursuits shape the core of who we are. Whether it’s security, comfort, wealth, or relationships, whatever takes first place in our hearts will define us. When anything other than God occupies that place, our lives become disordered, and anxiety takes root.

Jesus teaches that true peace and flourishing come from seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else. This requires submitting to His reign, trusting in His care and authority over every area of life, and acknowledging our dependence on Him alone. When we align our lives with His priorities and His way of life, we are freed to experience genuine peace and able to live fully for His Kingdom in our daily lives.

The call to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” sounds pretty straightforward, but what does that actually look like in the complexity of our daily lives? How does it speak to the cross-pressures we feel—the demands to achieve, to keep up, to manage finances, and to balance relationships? Seeking God’s Kingdom invites us to reorient our priorities, shifting our focus from the fleeting pressures of this world to the eternal values of His reign. It means choosing trust over worry, generosity over comparison, and faithfulness over perfection. It’s not about adding another item to an already overwhelming to-do list but about letting God’s purposes shape our decisions, calm our anxieties, and give meaning to the chaos we navigate.

Sermons From the Series:

Seek First the Kingdom: Generosity (Matthew 25:14–30)

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Josh SaenzSeek First the KingdomSeek First the Kingdom: Generosity

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom: Generosity (1 Timothy 6:6–19)

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Neil LongSeek First the KingdomSeek First the Kingdom: Generosity

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom: Generosity (Matthew 6:19–24)

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Nick WolvertonSeek First the KingdomSeek First the Kingdom: Generosity

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom: Generosity (2 Corinthians 8:1–9)

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Gary McQuinnSeek First the KingdomSeek First the Kingdom: Generosity

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25–24, Part IV)

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Gary McQuinnSeek First the Kingdom

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25–24, Part III)

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Gary McQuinnSeek First the Kingdom

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25–24, Part II)

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Neil LongSeek First the Kingdom

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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Seek First the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25–24, Part I)

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Gary McQuinnSeek First the Kingdom

In a world filled with competing pressures and distractions, it’s easy to feel anxious, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the deeper, […]

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See all Sermons

A Three-Part Series

Part One: Overview

February 2–23

we’ll take four sermons to unpack Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:25-34. We’ll explore the cross-pressures that shape our daily experience—career pressures, consumer culture, and social comparison—and how they lead to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Into this, Jesus invites us to seek first the Kingdom of God. This call is a reorientation of our priorities that can bring peace and purpose amidst the chaos.

  • Week 1: Will provide an overview of Matthew 6:25-34, highlighting Jesus’ teaching on anxiety and the call to seek God’s Kingdom first. We’ll explore the key themes of the series and introduce how this passage will guide us in addressing major cultural idols that often pull us away from the Kingdom-first-lives that God has created us for.
  • Week 2: We will dive deeper into the issue of anxiety, exploring how the constant pursuit of wealth, success, and security in a world built on unstable foundations leads to stress, worry, and a constant sense of never having enough. This week, we will reflect on how Jesus’ teaching offers us freedom from the anxiety that comes with living for unstable and transient treasures.
  • Week 3: We will focus on how seeking God’s Kingdom first transforms our individual and family lives. We’ll explore how aligning our priorities with God’s Kingdom brings peace and purpose, helping us break free from the pressures of the world.
  • Week 4: We will explore what it looks like for our church to seek God’s Kingdom. We’ll also discuss the four strategic priorities that we are pursuing in this next season in our life as a church. We’ll look at how our church can collectively embody Jesus' call to live for His Kingdom and advance God’s mission in our city and lay a healthy foundation for future generations.

Part Two: Generosity

March 9–April 6

We’ll examine how our financial habits reveal what we truly value. Talking about money can often feel uncomfortable or taboo, but Jesus frequently addresses how our relationship with money reflects the condition of our hearts. Over six sermons, we’ll explore biblical principles of generosity and stewardship, inviting us to rethink our financial choices and align them with God’s Kingdom priorities. We’ll learn to fight against the cultural pressures that lead us toward jealousy and self-centered accumulation by cultivating the joy of generosity and the peace of contentment that God intends for us.

Part Three: Time

May 4–25

We’ll focus on time—another often-avoided area of life that reveals our deepest priorities. Through four sermons, we’ll look at how the demands of modern life can crowd out what matters most. Like money, how we spend our time is a key battleground where we can align our lives with God’s purposes and resist the cultural idols that undermine our pursuit of joy. We’ll offer practical steps to help us prioritize God’s values in our daily routines, embrace our limits, and pursue the freedom and joy that Jesus offers to those who follow Him.