Missions Partner Highlight: CrossPurpose
This spring, we want to focus on reflecting the love of Jesus by reaching out to others with compassion, unifying grace, and sacrificial action. Below, you can learn more about one opportunity we would love to invite you to begin thinking and praying about.
Cross Purpose
CrossPurpose is a non-profit organization that seeks to abolish relational, economic, and spiritual poverty through tuition-free career training and community development. An important element of their work is the cultivation of “Ally” relationships. This Spring Semester, we invite you, your family, or your Gospel Community to join CrossPurpose and their mission by becoming an ally.
What is a CrossPurpose Ally?
An Ally is a volunteer who walks alongside the CrossPurpose community and career development program participants (called “Leaders”) to encourage and build friendships.
On Wednesday nights from 6–8pm, we come together for “Family Gatherings.” Three to four allies share a meal with 10–15 Leaders, play a game or two, and check in on how things are progressing in our Leaders’ lives and careers. Allies help provide Leaders with social capital and community outside their normal circles.
Learn more about becoming an Ally