Ministry Partner Highlight: Scarlet Hope

This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to hear from Cassidy, the Director of Scarlet Hope Denver, about the work they do in Denver. If you missed her invitation to action and partnership, you can re-watch her announcement above.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to love our neighbor through the joys of life and through its pains. We are called to be there in times of righteousness and in times of injustice. At Park Church, we encourage everyone who calls Park home to live this mission. As always, we are inviting our community to participate, loving and serving our neighbors by getting involved with one of our Missions Partners. Scarlet Hope is a great example of this kind of opportunity!

Mission and Action:
Scarlet Hope seeks to love and serve those who are in the adult entertainment industry and to share Jesus with those who are exploited and trafficked.

Who is Served:
Scarlet Hope serves those in the adult entertainment industry and often connects with and serves those who are being trafficked.

Why is it Important:
There are 65+ adult entertainment establishments in Denver. Colorado is ranked 15th in the U.S. for highest volume of signals to made to the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Learn more about trafficking and exploitation in Denver. (Source Scarlet Hope).

Ways to Serve:
There are opportunities to serve with Scarlet Hope’s Outreach (going into clubs to share Jesus and care for the women there) or by providing meals taken to the clubs.

You can give by visiting Scarlet Hope’s website.


Lent & Holy Week Artwork

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Partner Highlight: Denver Rescue Mission

Wednesday, February 12, 2025