Gage Family Missionary Care Trip 2022
Written by Lauren Gage
Trip Purpose
Since 2017, Andy and I have loved and cared for the missionaries at Beyond through Biblical counseling (my vocation), physical therapy (Andy’s vocation), and friendship.
Although I am able to meet with our missionaries online throughout the year, the rest of our ministry happens at annual Beyond conferences in Southeast Asia. I have attended three of these, and Andy has been to one. He was busier than I was while doing Physical Therapy! This year our kids will be able to join us for the first time, along with the help of Zach and Madelynne Starbeck (Park College Staff and Park Students Intern).
What is “Beyond?” What is this conference?
Beyond is a missions sending organization that works solely to bring the Gospel to unreached people groups (accounting for two billion of the people in the world who have never heard about Jesus). In addition to regional conferences that happen annually, Beyond has a global, all-staff conference every 3 years in Southeast Asia. Neither have happened since 2019 due to the last several years of crisis and trials. This July will be the first time their missionaries have been able to gather together for encouragement and equipping since then. We hope and pray that our work and friendship with them will restore, heal, and comfort them.
Specific Missionary Needs
I have been volunteering as a counselor for the Southeast Asian group of Beyond missionaries for the past five years. A lot has happened since 2019, some good. However, a lot of pain and confusion has been experienced during these past few years as well.

This year we decided we were going to make the trip after our friend Andy, one of the leaders of this group, suddenly passed away (he’s on the far left in the picture above with the “best pop ever” shirt.) It was a tragic loss, and we decided that we should go there to care for them.
I’m also excited that our kids are old enough now to join us so that they will be there to become better friends with the missionary kids. They know some of the missionary kids from when they’ve visited the States. I pray it will be a great encouragement to these missionary kids to to have other kids come to them!
Our Need
We are asking you to prayerfully consider supporting us with a financial gift to help cover the travel and hotel expenses to attend the conference and get face-to-face with this group in July. You can contribute with a one time or with a monthly gift that will help us continue to serve missionaries through Biblical counseling past the three sessions possible at the conference.
Please, if you have any questions, let me know. To give financially, please use the button below, selecting “Support for Lauren Gage and Missions Care Trip under “Gift Category.”