Liturgical Audit
A liturgical audit (or habit inventory) is simply an honest account of how you are spending your time during the week. The goal is not to foster comparison or shame, but to help you see the habits and rhythms that are shaping you, and to consider what they reveal about your values and desires.
WRITE: Make a list of your time spent during the week.
- Write down what you do in the morning, during the day, and in the evening. Include the first and last things you do every day.
- Write down how much time you spend on each activity, including the small things (time spent sleeping, getting ready for the day, on your phone, watching TV, getting kids ready, preparing & eating meals, exercising, time with Jesus, commuting, podcasts, time with friends, etc.)
- Consider how frequently or infrequently you incorporate various activities. Consider how your weekend habits are different than weekdays.
CONSIDER: Consider your daily and weekly habits and write down some observations.
- What is encouraging or discouraging about your habits?
- What do they reveal about your values and desires?
- How might these things be forming you, your family, or your community?
- Are these things cultivating a deeper love for Jesus and for His calling in your life?
PRAY: Talk to Jesus about what you are seeing and feeling about these things.
- Remember that Jesus loves you and is inviting you into deeper communion with him and a more meaningful life.
- Ask Him if there are habits that should change in some way?
- Tell Him about what feels challenging.
- Ask Him for help as you continue to try to orient your life around His presence with you.
DISCUSS: Take time to talk about your observations and thoughts with a friend, spouse, or people in your Gospel Community.
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