Park Kids Summer Changes
As we do every summer, we’ll be inviting elementary students to join adults for the entirety of service running Sunday, June 2 through Sunday, August 25. Here’s what you need to know:
No changes. Park Kids will still be available downstairs for children ages 0–5 at every service.
No Park Kids classes. Elementary students will join their extended church family for the entire service. Activity packets are available in the foyer, and include memory verses, coloring pages, and games. Additionally, elementary students will be engaged with during the messages and singing.
Why do we do this? First, it serves as a reminder to both students and adults that the Church is comprised of many age groups that make up the whole body. Too often, the children feel like a separate community instead of the critical demographic that they are. Second, keeping students in the service helps them see the example of their parents and parents’ friends worshiping Jesus together through singing, praying, and learning together. Lastly, the reduced number of classes each Sunday relieves the work load of our volunteers during the less-busy summer months. It’s a a great way for us to serve them and thank them for their work year-round.
With any questions, please contact kaitlin@parkchurchdenver.org.