Matthew 27:27–54: The Crucifixion of Jesus

In this seventh and final section of Matthew, chapters 23–25 explore the idea that salvation comes through judgment. After chapter 25, we step into the narrative of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The King of the upside-down kingdom takes His paradoxical throne. Lastly, chapter 28 wraps up with the Great Commission.Audio Player

Matthew 26:31–56: The Garden, Betrayal, & Arrest

In this seventh and final section of Matthew, chapters 23–25 explore the idea that salvation comes through judgment. After chapter 25, we step into the narrative of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The King of the upside-down kingdom takes His paradoxical throne. Lastly, chapter 28 wraps up with the Great Commission.Audio Player

Matthew 25:14–30: The Talents & Trusted Servants

In this seventh and final section of Matthew, chapters 23–25 explore the idea that salvation comes through judgment. After chapter 25, we step into the narrative of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. The King of the upside-down kingdom takes His paradoxical throne. Lastly, chapter 28 wraps up with the Great Commission.

Faith & Work

We routinely take a few Sundays in a row to focus on our mission as a church: we exist to make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and the joy of all people. Though many of Park Church’s people may know those words, discussing their “why” in detail helps us know where we’re going together.

This year, we want to focus on five practical areas where the mission of God propels us to live in particular ways:

  1. The Global Mission of God (January 8)
  2. Hospitality and Neighboring (January 15)
  3. Restorative Justice (January 22)
  4. Faith and Work (January 29)
  5. Sharing the Good News (February 5)

While no one is called to simultaneously grow and serve equally in every area of the Christian life, there are likely one or two areas that God may invite you into throughout the series. We invite you to pray through and consider the areas of focus above and what that might mean for you.

The Second Coming & Hope

The Second Coming of Christ is a fundamental Christian conviction, promised by Scripture and professed by followers of Christ throughout history. Though now often neglected or misunderstood, the promise of Jesus’ return remains vital.

Culturally, we can be horrible at waiting. Quick “fixes” are everywhere and easily-accessible comforts can dilute our felt need for all things to be made new. But there is brokenness that will go unfixed and pain that will go unhealed until Christ comes again.

The Second Coming was never meant to be a sidebar or peripheral doctrine, but a central one that we uphold, rehearse and celebrate. Scripture reflects this truth:

“Baptism is mentioned 19 times in seven Epistles, and in 14 out of 21 it is not alluded to. The Lord’s Supper is only referred to three or four times in the entire New Testament… The Lord’s Coming is referred to in one verse out of every 13 in the New Testament, and in the Epistles alone in one verse out of 10. This proportion is surely of importance, for if frequency of mention is any criterion there is scarcely any other truth of equal interest and value.”
(W. H. Griffith-Thomas in “The Principles of Theology”)

This Advent, we’re excited to focus together on Jesus’ return and why it matters to our lives as Christians.

Matthew 22:15–22: To Caesar What is Caesar’s, To God What is God’s

In Part VI of our ongoing Matthew Series covers Matthew 19:1–22:36. We’ll study several difficult teachings, parables, and miracles of Jesus, bringing us to His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Matthew 20:1–16: The Last will be First, and the First Last

In Part VI of our ongoing Matthew Series covers Matthew 19:1–22:36. We’ll study several difficult teachings, parables, and miracles of Jesus, bringing us to His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Good Friday 2022

Happened Friday, April 15

We allowed the Scriptures to take us to the scene of our Lord’s betrayal, arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial, setting us up for a deep celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Matthew 14:13–21: The Great Provider

Part V of our ongoing Matthew series covers Matthew 13:53–18:35. We’ll discuss Jesus’ massive public miracles like the feeding of the five thousand and also His intimate, personal miracles like the temple-tax shekel in the fish’s mouth. We’ll study revelations of Jesus’ true identity in the Transfiguration and in His lordship over nature. We’ll learn of an otherworldly form of forgiveness only Jesus provides.


Pastoral Words for the New Year—James 3

Over the first four weeks of this year, we will share four “Pastoral Words” that we pray will guide our church family into the New Year.