Songwriting Cohort:

Fall 2024

Month One: September

Not sure what this is? Read the overview below under “Summer 2024: Introduction & Month One”

Summer 2024

Month Three: August

Not sure what this is? Read the overview here under “Introduction & Month One”

Month Two: July

Not sure what this is? Read the overview here under “Introduction & Month One”

Introduction & Month One: June

Welcome to the summer 2024 Park Song Writing cohort. We will start in June and go through the end of September at the least. Every month, we will spend time writing a song, lyrics, a chorus and then submit it here during the last week of the month. This is a critical part of the cohort, so please be sure to submit during the last week (or sooner!). Each month can build off the last—the most important  part is submitting something. Please take time to review everyone else’s submissions! Thank you and LET’S WRITE!

To do this, instead of a flurry of CCB emails, we’re consolidating everything to one page. If you’d like, you can click the “Login” link next to the box to have our discussion tool (called “Hyvor”) save your info for next time.