Teams at Park Church
As a church family and as followers of Jesus, we are each invited into Park Church’s ministry “work” for the good of this church and the city around it. We accomplish this through groups of people that do different, simple acts of hospitality. These are called “Teams,” and within each Team we form and are formed by one another, unifying and strengthening our community at Park Church even as we serve. This is an accessible way to embody Jesus’ command that we love one another (John 13:34) and to see the many parts of the body actively working for the the whole (1 Corinthians 12).
Our goal is that everyone who calls Park Church home would be involved in at least one Team. Use the button below to apply for any Team you’re interested in serving with. We’ll connect you to the appropriate Team Lead! We’re excited to grow as a family as we love and serve one another in new ways.
Our Teams:

Leader: Trinity DeHerrera
The Park Kids Team belongs to a community that develops as leaders and establish the next generation of believers. We are always in recruitment for Team Members to invest in our kids.

Leader: Luke Chow
Park Students exists to raise up a generation of Christ-centered disciples who will have authentic relationships with God, with each other, and with the world. We serve Middle School (grades 6-8) and High School (grades 9–12).

Leader: Jennifer Hudson
Park College disciples students and connects them to the local church. We rely on our Team members, financial partners, and prayer partners.
Audio & Video
Leader: Joel Limpic
Do you have a gifting or a heart to serve in the Audio/Video world at Park Church? We’re always looking for more Team Members to help run sound, stream, and lyrics on Sundays.
Care & Counseling
Leader: Jason Jones
The primary context for care at Park Church is within our Gospel Communities, but there are times when people are in need of more care and support. To provide additional care and counseling to those in need, we have several individuals and couples who serve as counseling mentors.
Leader: Christian Rey-Uribe
Participate in the story of salvation through the serving of bread and wine during Sunday Worship Gatherings.
English Learning Class
Leader: Kylie Makuh
Our English Learning Class offers English language Learning for those who are new to our country and primarily speak Spanish. Help others teach and practice English through lessons and engagement with the sermon from the previous Sunday. Spanish is not required to join and help out!
Global Missions Advocacy
Leader: Calden Scranton
Come alongside and strengthen Global Missions Partners through advocacy in prayer, connection, and care.
Gospel Communities
Leader: Bailey Hurley
We are always in need of new Gospel Community leaders— men and women who facilitate Bible discussion and community on a regular basis from their homes. If you are in a Gospel Community and are interested in leading a new Gospel Community, talk to your Gospel Community leader about apprenticing or use the "Apply for Teams" button.
Leader: John Petterson
Semi-handy individuals who respond to specific building projects on an as-needed and as-available basis.
Hospitality (Coffee)
Leader: Chris Stuhr
A busy, hands-on group that serves so many at each Sunday simply through making coffee, attending the coffee tables, and preparing communion.
Hospitality Meals
Leaders: Alyson Hershelman & Amy Parry
The Hospitality Meals Team provides meals for people in need in and around our body. This includes families who have recently had a child, experienced a death or other tragedy. To learn more about making meals for others, use the "Apply for Teams" button. If you or someone you know is in need of Hospitality Meals, please use this form to request meals!
Leader: Sarah Bruss & Bridget Edmonds
A Team that helps provide regular gatherings for mothers of all ages and stages.
Music & Liturgy
Leader: Joel Limpic
Park Church Music and Liturgy exists to help the gathered church delight in the Triune God through rehearsing the Story of the Gospel and experiencing the God of the Story.
Paid Childcare
Leader: Trinity DeHerrera
We provide childcare for many of Park Church's events and classes, helping give parents a more distraction-free experience. If you have questions or are interested in helping to provide childcare for events, please use the "Apply for Teams" button.
Leader: John Petterson
Prayer is one of the greatest gifts God has given His church, both individually and corporately. This team is an organized expression of this gift in our community, interceding to God on behalf of our community and the city around it.
Prophetic Ministry
Leader: Chance Coe
In 1 Corinthians 14:1, the Paul wrote, “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” The Prophetic Ministry at Park Church is a member-led initiative, seeking to provide an opportunity to come together to learn to hear from God more clearly, know His Word, and share with others.
Leader: Christian Rey-Uribe
A team working to keep our church family safe on Sundays.
Set-up & Tear-down
Leader: Christian Rey-Uribe
The Setup and Tear-Down Team is in charge preparing our building for the Sunday worship service. This includes setting up tables, signage, books, etc., then breaking everything down afterward.
Leader: JD Raab
This Team-in-Development will use art and writing to communicate what God is doing in our community to our community.
Leader: Kristina Meyer
The mission of the Park Church Welcome Team is to facilitate a hospitable and welcoming presence to everyone who walks through our doors for Sunday services. We make every effort to extend to others the hospitality, kindness, and welcome that Christ has shown us in His love and mercy.
From a warm hello, to answering questions, to helping someone find a seat, to praying for those in need, we exist to be hands and feet contributing to the ministry of Park Church’s Sunday services.
Park Wilderness
Leader: Daniel Marafino
This member-led ministry helps men and women at Park Church connect with others and with God while out in His creation. Trip leaders are needed to help plan and lead trips for all abilities and experience levels.