Kids’ Sunday Worship:
September 27
Good Morning Park Kids! We are continuing to read from 1 Samuel in chapters 4–6.
The Israelites brought the ark of God to the battlefield to fight against the Philistines. But the Israelites did not win the battle, and the Philistines took the ark! The Philistines put it next to a statue they worshiped. In the morning, the statue was bowing to the ark of God! They picked up the statue. The next morning the statue was broken.
God is greater than anything! We will learn in our today’s Bible story that God is greater than anyone and anything!
For the activity video, you will need a pillow and 2 sheets of paper.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page through Monday, September 28.
What Do We Believe By True Faith? (Apostles Creed) from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 25: Jax’s Tail Twitches
by David Powlison and Joe Hox
Parents! This story is about seeking forgiveness within your family. We have two Parent Inspire videos with some practical thoughts and tools for this: Accepting Your Kid’s Apology, and Asking Your Kids for Forgiveness.