Kids’ Sunday Worship:
September 13
Good Morning Park Kids! We are reading the book of Ruth today.
A woman named Naomi lived in Moab when her husband and her two sons died. Her daughter-in-law Ruth said she would go back to Naomi’s hometown. Once they got there, Ruth went to pick grain in Boaz’s field. Boaz was a family redeemer, which meant that when a family member was in trouble, Boaz would help the family. So Boaz and Ruth got married! Some time later, Boaz and Ruth had a son named Obed. Obed was the father of Jesse who was the father of David. Later in the Bible, David becomes a king the Israelite people needed.
We can read the book of Ruth and be reminded that God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer. God used Boaz to take care of Ruth and Naomi. God sent Jesus to earth through Ruth’s family. Jesus died on the cross and came back to life to redeem us.
For our activity video, you will need cotton balls, paper, colored pencils, tape/glue. This is our last Sunday in our current Big Picture Question and our Bible Memory Verse.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page through Monday, September 14.
What is Faith in Jesus Christ? from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 23: Zoe’s Hiding Place
by David Powlison and Joe Hox