Kids’ Sunday Worship:
October 18
Good Morning Park Kids! Today we will be reading from 1 Samuel 24.
Saul became jealous with David because people liked him. David ran away from Saul and hid in a cave. While David and his men were hiding in a cave when Saul went inside it. David said, “I will not fight God’s king.” David was so close to Saul, he cut off the corner of Saul’s robe! David came out of the cave and said to Saul, “I did not hurt you when I had the chance.” David showed Saul mercy even when Saul hated him!
Jesus showed us mercy when he died on the cross for our sins!
No supplies needed for the activity video!
A fun reminder…
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page through Monday, October 19.
Since We Are Redeemed By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone, Where Does This Faith Come From? from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 27: Miss. Becky reads Jesus and the Very Big Surprise
by Randall Goodgame and Catalina Echeverri