Kids’ Sunday Worship:
October 11
Good Morning Park Kids!
God chose David, a shepherd boy, to be king after Saul. Samuel anointed David with oil. Later, David’s brothers went to fight against the Philistines. A Philistine giant named Goliath made all of Saul’s army afraid! David was not afraid to fight Goliath because he trusted God! David went to battle Goliath with his sling and five stones. When David slung his sling, God made David’s stone hit Goliath right in the forehead!
David became a hero! Did you know that Jesus is the hero we needed? He gave us our salvation through the cross. Our new Big Picture Question and new Bible memory verse are featured below.
For the activity video you will need three pieces of paper, markers, glue, baby or vegetable oil and a paintbrush.
A fun annoucement…
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page through Monday, October 12.
Since We Are Redeemed By Grace Alone, Through Christ Alone, Must We Still Do Good Works And Obey God’s Word? from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 27: Miss. Becky reads Jesus and the Very Big Surprise
by Randall Goodgame and Catalina Echeverri