Kids’ Sunday Worship: May 24
Hey parents!
Good Morning! We continue our story in Exodus 18. The Israelites, God’s people, were camping in the wilderness and Moses needed help leading God’s people. Moses was the leader of God’s people and he had the job of listening to Israelites whenever they had a problem. Jethro, Moses’ father in law, noticed how hard and lonely Moses’ work was. It was too much responsibility for one person! Jethro encouraged Moses, “Don’t lead alone!” He advised Moses to choose trustworthy men to act as judges over smaller groups of people. Moses followed his father-in-law’s advice! God does not want us to be alone! He gives us the Church body so we can work together to accomplish His plan. As you teach this week, emphasize to your household the importance of cooperation and humility in wisely carrying out God’s mission of making Jesus known. We continue our study of the memory verse Matthew 22:37—an important lesson the Israelites learned in the wilderness and an important lesson for us in our daily lives. Our Big Picture Question is “What is God like?”, and the answer is “God is holy, good, and loving!” We can see that God is holy, good, and loving in the way He’s given us each other as partners in carrying out His mission. For the activity video, you will need three sheets of paper and a deck of cards. In the activity video, we have one activity for toddlers, two activities for any age, and one activity for the whole family!Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page Through Monday, May 25.
From The New City Catechism, Q14: Did God Create Us Unable to Keep His Law?