Use the video playlist above to play all video in order. See below for specific videos.
Kids’ Sunday Worship: May 16
Good Morning, Park Kids!
Ezekiel was one of God’s prophets living in Babylon. God gave Ezekiel a vision—like a dream, but Ezekiel was awake. God showed Ezekiel a valley of dry bones. God said, “Can these bones live?” Ezekiel said, “Only You know, God.”
God told Ezekiel to tell the bones to live, and they did! The bones rattled and came together, and breath came back into the bones to make them alive. They stood on their feet! God was showing Ezekiel what He was going to do for His people: God’s people were sad and without hope, like the dry bones, but God was going to give them hope, and He would bring them back to their land forever.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Bible Story Video
God's People Repent
Park Kids Live
10,000 Reasons
Memory Verse Song
1 Peter 5:10
Story Time
The Gospel

Sing & Learn
New City Catechism Questions 33: "Should Those Who Have Faith In Christ Seek Their Salvation Through Their Own Works, Or Anywhere Else?"