Use the video playlist above to play all video in order. See below for specific videos.
Kids’ Palm Sunday Worship:
March 28
Happy Palm Sunday!
Jesus and His friends were going to Jerusalem for Passover. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Long ago, one of God’s messengers said God’s special King would ride a donkey into Jerusalem. Everyone came out to see Jesus. They put their coats on the ground in front of Jesus. They put palm branches on the ground too. They treated Jesus like a king! The people shouted “Hosanna!” Jesus went to the temple. Some people were not treating the temple the right way, so Jesus made them leave. Sick people came to Jesus, and He healed them. Even children shouted, “Hosanna!” They knew Jesus was their King.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Bible Story Video
God's People Repent
Park Kids Live
10,000 Reasons
Memory Verse Song
1 Peter 5:10
Story Time
The Gospel

Sing & Learn
New City Catechism Questions 33: "Should Those Who Have Faith In Christ Seek Their Salvation Through Their Own Works, Or Anywhere Else?"