Kids’ Sunday Worship: June 28
Hey parents!
This Sunday we are reading Numbers 13-14 and we are learning that we can trust God! The Israelites have reached the promised land and Moses sent a group of men to see what the land was like. Some of the men were scared of the people who were in the promised land. Joshua and Caleb trusted God was with them. For us, we can trust God when we look to Jesus and see his sacrifice on the cross.
Our new Big Picture question and Bible memory verse are posted below!
This video is completely interactive (you don’t have to pause it to do the activities on your own) but feel free to pause the video at any time! Your kids will need a piece of paper, a purple marker/colored pencil/crayon, and a pen.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page Through Monday, June 29.
From The New City Catechism, Q18: Will God Allow Our Disobedience And Idolatry To Go Unpunished?

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 14: Love Made
by Quina Aragon and Scotty Reifsnyder