Use the video playlist above to play all video in order. See below for specific videos.
Kids’ Sunday Worship:
June 20
Good Morning, Park Kids!
God had a message for the people of Edom, Judah’s neighbors. The people of Edom and the people of Judah did not get along. The people of Judah had been taken away from their land because they stopped obeying God. When Babylon captured Judah, Edom was happy! They did not help the people of Judah. They even took things Judah had to leave behind!
The prophet Obadiah said, “God will do to Edom what they did to Judah, but God will bring Judah back to their land, and God will be their King.”
Today, all our Lifeway materials reflect the lesson we are learning in Park Kids classroom. However, the activity video is about the “20 Attributes of God.” These attributes are posted in every Park Kids classroom. Let this video help us further understand God’s attributes. We have attached a copy of these 20 Attributes of God for you to have a copy at home!
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Bible Story Video
God's People Repent
Park Kids Live
10,000 Reasons
Memory Verse Song
1 Peter 5:10
Story Time
The Gospel

Sing & Learn
New City Catechism Questions 33: "Should Those Who Have Faith In Christ Seek Their Salvation Through Their Own Works, Or Anywhere Else?"