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Kids’ Sunday Worship:
July 11
Good Morning, Park Kids! We’re learning about Zechariah today.
The people of Judah were living in their homeland again. God gave a prophet named Zechariah a message: “Come back to me as your God, and I will come back to you. Do not be like your grandfathers who did not obey my words and did not listen to my prophets.”
Zechariah encouraged Joshua the priest and Zerubbabel the leader. Zechariah said God was going to send the Messiah, a special King. He said, “Be happy and shout for joy! Your King is coming to you, riding on a donkey.” Jesus would be King over all the earth. Jesus will live forever with the people who love Him!
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Bible Story Video
God's People Repent
Park Kids Live
10,000 Reasons
Memory Verse Song
1 Peter 5:10
Story Time
The Gospel

Sing & Learn
New City Catechism Questions 33: "Should Those Who Have Faith In Christ Seek Their Salvation Through Their Own Works, Or Anywhere Else?"