Kids’ Sunday Worship:
January 3
Good Morning Park Kids! Today we jump back into our lessons in the Old Testament starting in 1 Kings 2-3.
King David had many sons, but God chose Solomon to be king after David. David told Solomon, “Love God and obey Him. God will keep His special promise to our family.” David died, and Solomon became king. One night while Solomon dreamed, God said, “Solomon, ask for anything you want, and I will give it to you.” Solomon said, “God, please give me wisdom so I can lead Your people. Help me know what is right and wrong.” God was happy with Solomon’s choice. God made Solomon very wise—he was the wisest man in the world. God also gave Solomon what he did not ask for: money, power, and peace. God was with Solomon like He had been with David.
We have a new Big Picture Question and Bible memory verse. For the activity video, you won’t need any supplies.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
What is the Lord’s Supper? from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition