Men's Retreat: The Love of the Father
Aug 14, 2022 at 12:00am
Where are you emotionally and spiritually after the last few years? For many of us, the best response may be "I feel sucker-punched." Whether or not that describes you, now is a good time to return to the love of the Father.
At this year's men's retreat, we'll spend the weekend together hearing from author J. Kevin Butcher ("Choose and Choose Again," "Free"). Join us as we seek to learn to live as sons, purchased by the blood of the perfect Son.
During the day on Saturday, we'll also have several hours to simply enjoy the outdoors, either with others or by yourself. YMCA of the Rockies offers a lot to do: fly fishing, hiking, mountain biking trails (easy and free access to Rocky Mountain National Park), disc golf, basketball, volleyball, and much more.
The registration fee covers lodging, food, and materials. Register by the end of June to save $15.