Women’s Conference Update
By now you may have heard about the women’s seminar we had planned for the first weekend of April. Unfortunately, our speaker has had a family emergency come up, and thus, we’re cancelling the Extravagant Grace Women’s Conference. Please join us in praying for health and God’s nearness for their family.
However, we still have a great event for you! We are coming alongside Grace Community Church in Westminster to learn from Courtney Reissig that same weekend. Courtney is a dynamic speaker with The Gospel Coalition and The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. (In fact, she’s a speaker we have considered bringing to Park!)
The title of the conference is Delighting in God’s Good Design, and explores her book, Accidental Feminist. Not only will this be a great weekend of learning, but as women of Park, we will have the opportunity to sit together and learn together!
For more details, and to sign up, click here.
The conference cost is the same as ours ($30) and includes three meals and conference materials. If you are in need of a scholarship, please email kyle@parkchurchdenver.org.
Kyle Nelson
P.S.—We also learned that Jackie Hill Perry is speaking at the Well Church in Boulder those same dates. The cost is $99, so you’re welcome to check out this event instead! Details here.