Community in the Age of Social Distancing
The mission of Park Church is to “make disciples of Jesus for the glory of God and the joy of all people.” To faithfully pursue this mission, we must do so in relationship with one another. The current need for “social distancing” disrupts our typical relational rhythms, and creates an increasing ache in many of us for consistent connection with others. Further, it’s hard to think of a time when we’ve needed deep community more intensely. And so, let us not give up meeting together (Hebrews 10:25), finding creative and sustained ways to know and be known, care and be cared for, love and be loved (Philippians 2:1–11; Colossians 3:12–17). We must continue leveraging our gifts for and with one another (1 Corinthians 12:1–13:8). Many throughout the Park family already have Gospel Communities which they call home. Wonderful. Keep pushing into rich relationships with these people. You could even reach out to your leaders to learn ways to support them and others in the group. But you may be reading this, and you are not yet plugged into a group. We would love to help get you connected to one of our Gospel Communities! You are invited to join our next virtual Community Connect workshop. (See below.) For many of us, there is a growing appetite for content and ideas on how to relationally navigate this season. We’ve put together opportunities and resources below for how to grow in our rhythms and intentionality around Gospel-centered communities.Resources for Gospel-Centered Community & Discipleship
We’ve curated this list of resources to help you navigate this strange season in relationship with others. Feel free to utilize these on your own, but they will likely serve you better as you engage and discuss with others.Articles
- 10 Gifts I pray God Gives the Church through The Coronavirus by Orion Berridge
- Small Groups and Social Distancing: Promoting Online Community by Allen White
- Discipling When Your Group Can’t Meet by Bill Search
Podcast Episodes
- Leading through Loss during the Coronavirus Pandemic by The Emotionally Healthy Leader
- The Explosive Power of Listening by The Emotionally Healthy Leader
Teachings & Sermons
- Dr. Tony Evans: Divine Disruption (23 minutes) Draw near to God in times of crisis.
- The Evans Family: Some Questions & Answers You Might Be Having Too (11 minute video) Chrystal and Jonathan talk with their Dad (Dr. Tony Evans) about some of the issues facing families and individuals today.
- Dr. Tony Evans: How to stay Calm in a Crisis (7 minutes)
- Pastor John Piper—Desiring God: How Do We Make Sense of Coronavirus? (16 minutes) How can Christians make sense of the coronavirus?, Pastor John offers four biblical realities.
- The Hour that Changes the World by Dick Eastman Use this guide to to structure a group prayer video meeting.
- Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Free guided groups
- Free audiobook
- God’s Grace in your Suffering (Introduction Only) by David Powlsion
- The Promises of God by Charles Spurgeon—Devotional Readings (March 11–17)
- Created to Care: God’s Truth to Anxious Moms by Sara Wallace—Peace in our Kids’ Physical Protection
- Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller—Introduction: The Rumble of Panic Beneath Everything
- Suffering by Paul David Tripp—Chapter 11: The Comfort of God’s Sovereignty