Psalm 144—Artwork
Learn more about Christ in the Psalms weekly artwork and see previous pieces here.
Person: Bruce Butler
I’m Bruce and I’ve been at Park for almost 12 years. I’m married to Jamie Rosenberry, we have one little tike, Joan, who is almost 2. I’ve been a Graphic Designer for about 12 years, formerly freelancing as Wise Bison, and now working full time at The Fire and Smoke Society, a yummy spice and sauce company. I also play guitar for Park and my two bands, Last Ditch and Our Violet Room. Recently, I also became a co-manager for Victory House, a sober living home within Providence Network. Cooking for friends and family is as a beloved hobby.
Piece: Digital Illustration
I chose Psalm 144, a humbling psalm that juxtaposes the unimaginable power of God and the weakness of man. With verses 3-4 saying “Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow,” we are reminded of our own mortality and the humility God shows in even caring for us.
With the tone of the Psalm being battle, awe, and a very blunt take on the humanity’s place with God, I decided to do a more literal version with the artwork. These verses had such blatant imagery, I chose to try to portray this:
“Part your heavens, Lord, and come down;
touch the mountains, so that they smoke.
Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy;
shoot your arrows and rout them.
Reach down your hand from on high;
deliver me and rescue me
from the mighty waters,
from the hands of foreigners
whose mouths are full of lies,
whose right hands are deceitful.”
I chose black and white and combined stippling and shading inspired by the wood engravings of Gustave Dore.
While controversial, artificial intelligence is undeniably permeating the art world. While I don’t agree with every use of it, I do think it can be a useful tool. Where I usually source imagery to work with from elsewhere, I decided to enlist the help of Midjourney. I began with an image of mountains in a storm and a separate image of the hand reaching through clouds. Using Photoshop and Procreate, I added hand drawn elements and several attempts to create a unique texture that helped blend the picture into one cohesive, heavily textured image.