Use the video playlist above to play all video in order. See below for specific videos.
Kids’ Sunday Worship: December 13
Good Morning, Park Kids!
Before God made the earth, Jesus was with God. Jesus is God the Son. Everything was made through Jesus, and nothing was ever made without Jesus. God sent Jesus to bring life to the world. He was born in Bethlehem to a young woman named Mary. Angels told shepherds the good news about Jesus’ birth, and they praised God. Jesus is the Son of God, and He is also a man. When we trust in Jesus, we get to be called God’s children! No one has ever seen God, but Jesus—God’s one and only Son—has shown us what God is like.
For the activity video, you will need two craft sticks and yarn.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
What Are the Sacraments or Ordinances? from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 36: Miss. Kira reads The Christmas Promise
by A. Mitchell and Catalina Echeverri