Pray for this Weekend

Happy Tuesday. I’ve spent the day working on my sermons for Good Friday and Easter. I’ve been overwhelmed with hope and longing this afternoon and so I started praying and wanted to invite you to pray with me over the next few days. This weekend we are expecting to see potentially hundreds of people come to our worship services who do not know God. Friends and neighbors who will come to church on Good Friday or Easter but won’t come any other time of the year. People who you’ve been praying for and sharing your life with could be there this weekend. I long to see God move to save the lost and awaken us to His kindness and mercy and gracious power.

My prayer this afternoon has been to plead with God that we would see a flood of people who will receive the Gospel and believe in Jesus. My hope is that God would, in his kindness, move in power to save our friends and neighbors and even strangers. Please spend some time praying this week that God might cause salvation flood our times together this weekend. Pray that the gospel will be preached with clarity. Pray that God’s people would celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Pray that those who do not believe would come by the hundreds to hear and believe and be born again.

Pray with us. We’ll gather tomorrow morning for prayer at the church building at 6:30am. We’ll sing, confess our sins, be reminded of the gospel and pray for this coming weekend.
