Two Treasures Troves

There are two relatively new resources that I wanted to make all of us aware of:

Francis & Edith Schaeffer were the founders of L’Abri. L’Abri started as a home in Switzerland where artists, writers, philosophers and students gathered to discuss the growth and transformation of culture and its relationship to a Christian Worldview. Francis Schaeffer wrote a number of books (How Shall We Then Live, A Christian Manifesto, among many others) which are amazingly helpful as we try to think clearly about culture, Scripture, and how to represent the gospel in our world. L’Abri has made available a ton of his lectures from L’Abri here:

L’Abri Ideas Library.

John Piper, J.I. Packer and Timothy Keller have all named Martyn Lloyd-Jones to be the greatest preacher of the last century. He was the pastor of the Westminster Chapel in London. Recently the Lloyd-Jones Trust has made a large collection of his sermons available for free online. Enjoy:

Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust
