Kids’ Sunday Worship: June 14
Hey parents!
God wants to be with us! We can see that in our Bible story today, found in Exodus 35–40. God told Moses to build a special tent. This tent was called the tabernacle and God met with His people there. For us, we don’t need to go to a tabernacle to meet with God! He sent Jesus to be with us. If we trust in Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Emphasis the attribute of God’s nearness during the story today.
Our big picture question asks us, “What is Worship? and the answer is “Worship is celebrating the greatness of God.” Our new Bible memory verse is Exodus 15:2a. For the activities in today’s video, you will need paper, crayons, pillows, and blankets.
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page Through Monday, June 15.
From The New City Catechism, Q2: What Is God?

Story Time with Miss. Melanie
Week 12: Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit from The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible
by Jared Kennedy and Trish Mahoney