Conversations on Culture: Gender & Sexuality (Part II)

Mar 2, 2025 at 11:00am

For more info, contact: Jack Repenning


“Conversations on Culture” is a devoted space for our church family to learn and discuss topics related to theology, culture, and living as the people of God.

Gender and Sexuality: Our culture can be a dizzying place to make sense of God’s truth about gender and sexuality. How do we stand firm on God’s design for humans while sustaining a heart of compassion for those who see things differently? It starts with understanding how we got to where we are culturally–which we focused on during part 1 in November.

Join us over lunch as we delve into key biblical passages that speak to God’s vision for human sexuality. What is our Creator’s heart and vision for sex and gender? What are we–as his people–to do with this? We’ll explore these and other questions side-by-side.


Upstairs Classroom
3025 W 37th Ave
Denver, CO 80211

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