Park Church Closet

The Park Church Closet is no longer Operating (The Park Church Closet Está Cerrado)

Read the full update here.

Thank you for helping us serve so many! Keep reading if you still have a need, if you have a donation you’d like to make, or to learn more about what the Park Church Closet was.

Thank you for helping us serve so many! Keep reading if you still have a need, if you have a donation you’d like to make, or to learn more about what this resource was.

Still Have a Need?
¿Aún necesitas ayuda?

Please contact Calden Scranton at

Por favor, contacto con Calden Scranton en

Still Have a Donation? Want to Get involved in other ways?

For more ways to join the community’s efforts to support our new neighbors, see the spreadsheet linked below.

Migrant Resources Spreadsheet

What was Park Church Closet?

In line with our Mission and Vision, Park Church seeks to partner with those working to Love and Serve Our City in Denver. Over the last few months, the migrant situation in Denver has turned into a crisis, with many families and individuals living on the street with need of food, clothing, and opportunity. In light of these events, a Highland neighborhood group has come together to function as a donation center for migrants. This operation is now partnered with Park Church, where we host, receive, organize, and distribute these donations.