Kids’ Sunday Worship: July 26
Good morning, Park Kids!
It was time for the Israelites to go to the promised land, but they needed to cross the Jordan River! God told the priests to take the ark of God into the river Then God made the river stop when the priests carrying the ark went into the water! Joshua told a man from each tribe to grab a stone to make an altar to remember what God did. All of the people crossed the river on dry ground. The Israelites remembered what God did for them when they looked at the stones. We can look to Jesus and remember God’s love for us!
For the activity video, you will need a sheet of paper and colored pencils. There is no new story time this week but feel free to rewatch past story time videos here!
Kids, Pick an Activity!
Due to licensing restrictions, videos and other learning resources from LifeWay will only be available on this page Through Monday, July 27.
Why Must The Redeemer Be Truly Human? Why Must The Redeemer Be Truly God? from The New City Catechism by The Gospel Coalition