
Foundations is our class for those exploring membership at Park Church. There are two in-person gatherings, an optional meal with some others at a staff or elder’s house, and some light coursework. You can find all of these things on this page, in addition to our membership covenant.

Schedule & Class Replays

Class #1: OVERVIEW

Sunday, October 3

Class #2: ELDER Q&A

Sunday, October 24 • Highlands & Downtown





There is no test at the end, but familiarizing yourself with the ins and outs of Park Church will better equip you to make the desicion about membership and be informed as a memeber. We suggest working from top to bottom, starting with the video series, and working as far through the other documents as you’d like.

Foundations Video Series

Each member of our team briefly introduces themselves and explains what they do at Park Church and what you should know about that area of ministry.

Watch Foundations Videos

Foundational Documents

These pages are arranged in order of least detail to most detail.

Who We AreDoctrineTheological Vision